by Patricia Briggs

Mercy Thompson is back, and oh how I love her.

I really enjoyed both MOON CALLED and BLOOD BOUND, but Patricia Briggs takes it to a whole new level with IRON KISSED.

The story starts off not long after where BLOOD BOUND ended, and gets thing rolling quickly. Mercy is asked by Zee and Uncle Mike to try and sniff out the culprit who’s been murdering fae on their reservation. All the favorites are back, Kyle and Warren, Honey and Darryl, Ben, Jesse, and of course, Adam and Samuel. And it soon becomes clear to Mercy that time is running out where Adam and Samuel are concerned. She needs to choose between the two Alphas’s before tempers hit a critical level.

However, before she can deal with that, Zee is arrested for murder, and Mercy is the only one willing to try and save him. The fae aren’t happy she’s learned so much about them in her investigation, and once again, Mercy is in danger.

That’s all I’m going to say about the plot, because I truly don’t think anyone here wants any spoilers, and really, you need to read this book. I’ve always loved Mercy, who is a scrapper through and through, and this story only made me love her more.

Briggs works magic with her words, and makes my heart swell with emotion. At one point, tears were shed, and I was glad that the author was brave enough to take the character to a place where no one really wanted to go, myself included. It was the right move though, right for the story, and the characters. Take my word for it, IRON KISSED is not to be missed.

Read Sample Chapters here


  1. Pam P

    I have the first two in the TBR, soon to be read. I just now finished her novella in On the Prowl and liked that, going to scout up my copy of Moon Called now to start catching up.

    Happy New Year, Sasha!

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