What I’ve been reading.

What I’ve been reading.

Personal Demons by Stacia Kane

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
I really enjoyed it! Kane put a new unique twist on the demons and kept the story going in fast and smooth style. Well worth reading and I’ll be looking for other books from this author.

Kill Time Kill Time by T.J. MacGregor

My review

rating: 2 of 5 stars
I liked the concept of the story, and the writing was fairly easy to read, but I found myself getting annoyed with all the back and forth. SPOLIER ALERT COMING:::: STOP READING IF YOU DON”T WAT TO SEE A SPOILER… The core of the story deals with time travel and a secret goverment agency. It was cool, until soon in the story almost all the characters were ‘chipped’ and able to time travel, adn they were all doing it. Jumping around in time zones and places and it got pretty annoying to me. Other s might not feel that way, but I feel as if the author took a great unique thing, adn turned it into an easy way to fill plot holes or make whatever she wanted happen. Which is okay, the author has that right, it’s thier story. But for me, reading, it got tedious.

I finished the book, and can say it was okay, but it wasn’t a book that convinced me, personally, to look for more form this author.

Drop Dead Gorgeous: A Novel Drop Dead Gorgeous: A Novel by Linda Howard

My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars
I was a fan of TO DIE FOR so I had to read the sequel. Howard didn’t disspoint. I liked the first person, I continued to like the characters, and enjoyed the whole story. I figured out who the stalker was before the main chacraters did, but that’s okay, it was still an all around good read.

Angel Of Mercy (Mercy Hollings, Book 2) Angel Of Mercy by Toni Andrews

My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars
Mercy Hollings is a hypno thereapist with a bit of a kick. She can mentally “push” people to do things. In this story, she gets involved with a domestic abuse scene, and helping out a shelter… and somethings happen that she can’t turn away from.

I really liked the concept of this story, and I enjoyed the book. The authors voice was strong, and I read it in one afternoon. My only thing was I felt like it shouldn’t have had a romance in it. Maybe its because this is the second book in a series, but I felt like the heroines relationship with her boyfriend was pretty pointless in this novel. Or maybe the romantic in me just wasn’t happy with the way it was dealt with. I’m not sure, all I know is it was a point that stuck out to me.

Another thing is I thought the heroine needed a bit of a kick in the butt a time or two, but that’s cool, because it made her more real to m. I hate “perfect’ characters. LOL And I must say I LOVED the dog, Cupcake was a great addition to the story.

View all my reviews.


  1. Caffey

    Sasha, I have PERSONAL DEMONS on my wishlist to get. I too was pulled in by the blurb! It sounds so good! Do you know of her having more out? Gonna search for her site.

    I read the first book in the series of Toni Andrews and I thought that the theme centering about her being able to ‘push’ others minds was fascinating! The first book was non-stop and I knew I’d be reading more of them. I do have that new one but haven’t read it yet. Did you read the first book?

    Gosh, its been too long since I’ve read one of Linda Howard’s books! When a reading group told me I had to read her, this was maybe 3 years back, I went and read my first book of hers from the library, a series one called TEARS OF THE RENEGADE and wow, and I was hooked there! (reminds me that I need to find my own copy because I would love to read this one again. Its finally being re-released in March). I found a couple more from the library (COME LIE WITH ME and a historical A TOUCH OF FIRE) and then I was off to the bookstore. I dug and searched to find too the McKenzie books! And the sizzling and dark single titles like DREAM MAN and AFTER THE NIGHT. I read quite a few that I was able to find when I discovered her but I have more to read. I just haven’t read hers since she came out in HC first. But I did love the earlier books and her mid books the most! A few earlier books I’ve yet to read that I shall pull out, like SON OF THE MORNING that many rave about but I haven’t read yet! You got me going to read some books of authors I haven’t read in a while! Thanks Sasha. I love chatting about what I read and love to see what you read!

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