Slim Camp 2008

Slim Camp 2008

It’s a new year, and so many people have resolutions to be healthier. I know it’s one of mine..the sad thing is, it’s been one of my resolutions every year for the past many years. So what’s different this year? Well, I’m not ready to share that with you all yet, but I do know it’s time to get my ass out of my office chair and into the gym. Every day.

Yep, I’ve tried desperately to not have to go to the gym every day, but it’s become clear to me that is what’s needed, among other things.

I’m going to keep Slim Camp up, however, I need help from any of you interested in it. Any stories, recipes and such you want to share, please email them to me. If you have any ideas on how to make this a more interactive thing, I’d love to hear them.

Let’s try this together.


  1. :cowgirl: I’m with you, girl…but I have to figure out how I’m going to do this, first. LOL, the tuna fish diet works really well…if you can eat tuna 3 times a day every day. Sigh…I need to join WW or something, I guess.

  2. Sasha I’m recommitting myself…my local YMCA has a Pay the Date drive going, and some great programs for adults and kids. I”m paying like 35.00 a month for Cuves and not using it and the Y is only about 10.00 more a month. I figure if the kids and I do it together, they’ll nag at me to go up there and I”ll go more. We can motivate each other (at least that’s the plan)

    I’m also going back to the nutritionist hopefully later this month. I haven’t gone in four months–thanks to being sick the diet just fell off the top of my list (but was NEVER on the bottom).

    I encourage everyone else who’s struggling to rededicate now that the holidays are over and all those goodies should be out of our houses. I mean come on, why should I suffer alone :angel:

  3. I am on the road to a healither lifestyle as well this year. I gained about 6 pounds this year and it all went to my stomach. I have a jelly belly…and that was it for me to stop whining and complaining and do something about it.

    Things I’ve been doing…eliminated bad foods one at a time out of my diet. The big one for me is Pepsi. I know most of my weight has come from that really really bad drink. I heard someone soda liquid Satan, and that’s pretty much true. It is soooooooo bad for you.

    I am also getting active 3X a week, in my own house. I’m doing a weight program that also is aerobic. So I get double the benefit. I enjoy it, it makes me feel good so I do it. But it’s definitely hard to get it to be a habit.

    Another piece of advice is…if you eat something you shouldn’t, don’t beat yoursefl up, just keep going with what you are doing. It’s like parenting, we don’t quit being parents if you do one thing wrong, it’s an ongoing process, so is developing a healthier lifestyle.

  4. Sasha, we bought a Weight Watchers cookbook, joined up to figure out points and goals, and are working our way towards getting rid of foods that aren’t good for us and only buying foods that are. I’m honestly surprised at how quickly I saw a change. The first day I changed my eating habits, I felt significantly better and my energy level is vastly improved. (Had to do something about that; can’t keep using the caffeine crutch!)

    This time of year, the weather’s too extreme for much outdoor activity, but we do what we can. Our normal workout is backpacking, but you can’t do that with 50 mph winds ripping through. πŸ˜‰

  5. I found just after two days of working out and changing a little of what I was eating, I am already feeling the difference. I also dont’ feel hungry and haven’t been snacking. Every time I feel like I need something…I drink a glass of water. It works, because that usually fills me up and my craving passes.

  6. I think it’s the feeling better part that makes it addictive. I do enjoy working out. BUt I also get frustrated when I don’t SEE results quick enough. And for me, if I’m not working out, I have a hard time eating right. They seem to go hand in hand.

    The best things that have helped me is eating breakfast. (I eat the premeasured instant oatmeal. It’s not huge, and it’s quick and easy to make) and making sure one of my meals a day is a salad. πŸ™‚ So far, that’s my “stick to it for sure” things. I’m limiting my pop to two drinks a day, but I’m still drinking it . LOL

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