Sasha’s Slim Camp

Sasha’s Slim Camp

Sasha's Slim CampLast week I talked about getting back in shape, and how I need to do it, and do it right. I know this is a problem so many of us face, on a regular basis, and often what keeps us from being successful is lack of support.

Sure family members offer support, and so do friends. But for me, sometimes their support feels like nagging. Especially if they’re someone who I’m not sure understands how hard it can be. So I’ve decided to create Sasha’s Slim Camp. I wanted to get a graphic made up and everything, but I’m too impatient to tell you all about it to wait for the graphic…so I’m gonna just do this the old fashioned way for now … with text. (If anyone tech-savvy out there wants to make up a graphic for us…that would be fantastic!)

How Sasha’s Slim Camp is going to work is like this; Every Thursday I’m going to post something new here on my blog about diet, excercise or lifestyle changes that I hope will help anyone interested in changing thier own habits.

Why did I choose Thursday? Because after mid-week, or Hump Day, is when my own good habits start to slide. It’s easy to be motivated to start the week off right on Monday, and while weekends can sometimes be hard with outings and such, I still find end of the week – thursday and friday- the hardest days to be strong. So I’m going to take the chance that this is how it happens with others as well.

I’m going to have the post up first thing on Thursday morning, and hope that y’all will stop by and comment. I’d love it even more if you comment on your own struggles and successes so we can build a sort of casual support group on here. Like when Amie posts about losing 45 pounds so far we can all cheer for her, and feel inspired! YAY Amie!! :jump:

If anyone has their own story to tell, or recipes to share I’d love to hear from them, just email me via the contact button on the menu bar above, and I’ll share them on one of my Thursday posts – there will be plenty of them as I plan to do this for a year to lose almost 100 pounds – and guest posts will be welcome.

So, for those of you who expressed the need /desire to go down this path…let’s do it!!


  1. YAY! I’m so glad to see others here! I admit, I was worried people would think I was an idiot for doing something like this on my blog.

    Tess, if you need help on Fridays, why not make it your habit to drop by here on Fridays instead of Thursday? Or both day days. :great:

    Vivi! I’ve watched him on Oprah’s show. Smart plain speakign man. You’ll have to let us know how you like the book. Maybe when you’re into it, you can write us a guest post? :mrgreen:

  2. Hey you! I love the title of this post and it’s a marvelous idea. Here’s what I’ve done (or decided to do) so far. I’ll give an update on Thursday.

    – Eliminate sugar from my diet – I eat like two people when I have sugar and the size of my belly speaks to that habit.
    – Exercise 3-4 times a week (I belly-danced on Saturday).
    – Give up potato chips (can you hear me crying?) and only eat good carbs

    So far, so good. I’m trying! Oh I love the new smilies! :champion:

  3. Whoo Hooo! Beth!

    My big thing is consisitency. (I’ll write about that on Thursday) and cutting out Pop. I love it so much, but it does make me eat less, and then when I do eat, I eat whatevers around..and a lot of it.

    Also, regular excercise. As in 5-6 days a week. Anywhere from 20-50 minutes worth.:fight:

  4. I’ll be calling by! πŸ˜€ I’ve been struggling with weight loss for the last four years. It’s complicated by my disability cos I’m very limited on what type of exercise i can do. But I’ve managed to lose 15 pounds so far this year. I’ve a long ways to go still, so I’ll be here to share and support.

  5. Breakfast. Eat it. Doesn’t have to be big. I have an egg and a cup of tea and just enough o.j. to take my vitamins. When I get nibblely a couple of hours later in the mid-morning I cut up some fruit/veggies or have a yogurt and granola or some cheese and wheat thins, or a handful of nuts. To be honest I pretty much graze all day, but it’s healthy stuff for the *most* part. One benefit of this is, I never eat because I’m *starving*, so I eat less portion wise. In fact it takes less food to make me feel stuffed now. (I guess my stomach has shrunk). I still have junky stuff but much less of it and I don’t crave it like I used to. The excercise thing I’m still working on… 😳

    This is a great idea, Sash!

  6. Vanessa I’ve noticed eating less too, but I wonder if it’s (at least in part) the type of foods….if it’s pasta I know I’ll gorge so no pasta (obviously)….and Splenda is a sugar trigger so it’s a rare rare treat.

  7. RubyD

    Great idea! Saw Dr Oz on Oprah and he recommended fruits and veggies every day along with plenty of fiber introduced gradually to help eliminate the gas attacks :oops:…Will be checking in every Thursday. Let’s knock off those pounds :fight:

  8. I’d like to be a camper too! I have 50 pounds to lose. I was diagnosed with diabetes almost three years ago and lost 40 pounds; my diabetic management has been very good, but 17 of those pounds have found their sneaky way back – like they’ve honed in on my ass with a GPS or something. Needless to say, my Dr. is very unhappy with me and I need to get back on the ball. I’m hoping the support of others will help. πŸ™‚

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