

During my twenties, I was heavy into fitness and martial arts and all sorts of active things. I managed to sprain both my ankles many times. Sometimes very very badly. Noww, People don’t believe me when I tell them I can sprain my ankle just standing still. But I can, and yes, I did it last night. Home alone, just standing and waiting for my microwave popcorn to finish, I turned to see something onthe TV, and my ankle went “Pop!” and down I went.

I immediatly grabbed my ide pack fromthe freezer – Yes, I have a very good ice pack – and put my foot up and kept the ice on it. I can walk, but it’s all swollen and purple.:roll:

You know why it happened? Because I joined the gym again, and I was planning on working out today. Yup, I swear, everytime I try to get back into shape my ankle protests. You’d think my ankle would WANT me to lose weight, make life easier on it.

Whatever, it won’t stop me come Monday!


  1. poor babe, that really hurts! i really dont know what to tell you besides the ice to help. you still very young, you should ask a dr about something to strenghtn your ankle//bones for as you age.. as my cousin said,, “”if i knew i was going to live this long, i would have took better care of myself!””

  2. Hi Sasha,
    Jeez, that must really hurt πŸ™ Hope you heal up soon. I’d give yourself till at least Wednesday, lol.

    When I hurt myself like that I need feline affection to help me feel better πŸ˜‰ maybe mystery will help you out. Take Care

  3. Chantal

    I broke my ankle in grade school from playing double dutch. I haven’t used a jump rope since then.

    I joined Curves last year and entered in a one year contract. I only went for like, 3 months. 😳

  4. So I posted about the whole gym thing too! I can’t seem to get up in the morning so I’m going after work with all the meatheads 😯

    And Sasha, I sympathize with the ankle. I have broken both of mine twice (yes, twice) courtesy of basketball fanaticism when I was younger. I can sprain an ankle standing still too. πŸ™„

    Just remember the RICE treatment. Rest, Ice, Cuddles and lots of explicit reading (or viewing) 😈

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