

That what students call it when they pull a couple of all nighters in a row to get ready for a test right?

It’s what I’ve now dubbed my final days before a deadline. I wish I could say I’m a steady writer. That I plan and follow through, that I do so many pages a day, but the fact of the matter is…I plan, then promtly fall off the plan. I’ve discovered that I really really suck at planning anythign more than a couple weeks ahead. I had 6 weeks to write this novella, and I knew what I wanted the story to be, yet somehow, I only got half of it written in 5.5 weeks, and did the other half inthe last two days before the deadline.

Cramming. :crazy:

However, I do think the cramming actually helps the story, in a weird way. It helps me turn off my internal editor, and stop thinking so hard. That way I can just listen to the characters, and tell their story. Now I wait to see if it’s makes sense to anyone who reads it.

Thank God for my cp’s Beth and JJ.

JJ who did marathon races with me to keep me writing, and Beth who was there until the last minute to re-edit my stuff so that John, My editor at Kensington, doesn’t totally think my grammar sucks.

Thank you, my Friends!!


  1. Tell me about it. I never crammed for tests in high school or college, but now I find myself cramming to meet a deadline. My debut novel Night Stalker came out in November as an e-book from NCP and now I just recieved an email stating it is coming out in print in March. I so want to finish up Broken Cowboy, my current WIP, before Night Stalker comes out. So carmming it is. I hope I can pull it off. Cramming is new to me, but I’m sure it will come to me. :crazy: Congrats on finishing. 😉

  2. Sasha

    Eve~ I have no idea. I hope it wasn;t my site …but it could’ve been. It’llbe updated soon. 🙂

    Beth~ *hugs* My bud, my sister. 😀 I luv Ya!!

    Good Luck, Chey!!
    I’d tellyouto relax , but I want you to cram so your next book hits the shelves soon!

  3. Sasha

    Paula~ Thats exactly it! I never did it school either. LOl
    I’m wierd…Part of me really enjoys the cramming. Part of m thinks I’m nuts! LOL

    Saskia~ I can;t write that fast all the time either. In fact…I’m very slow..which is why I end up cramming. :rolleyes:

  4. Some of my best papers for university were written the day before they were due. Of course they were for English and not something major like poli sci or micro economics.

    I remember for an English class I spent the whole day prior on my laptop writing a 10k fictional paper and it was stressing me out. I got an A-. Imagine if I started it a week before.

  5. Eve

    Many a cramming session in college and I wouldn’t want to repeat it. I couldn’t get on here yesterday – my computer kept freezing whenever I tried to comment. Hmmmm. Anyway, glad you got it finished and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

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