Transplant News

Transplant News

“This is a remarkably engrossing, erotic, romantic story. Transplant is what every erotic romance should strive for – a well told story that engages the reader�s imagination and senses and leaves just enough room at the ending for a possible reader demand of a sequel. “
~5 Kisses from Romance Divas!

YAY!! I’m so happy. I was starting to get worried a bit about Transplant. It scraped into the AQP Bestseller list for Oct-Dec at number 10, and I’ve heard from one reader who really liked it…but there’s always that worry.

Why is that? Why do we worry so much about what others say, or think? I mean, Of course we want readers to like our stories, to buy them , to talk about them…but at the same time..I liked the story…so why do I worry so much? And Is it a bad thing?


  1. I think if we were just writing for ourselves, it wouldn’t bother us. If we wrote a story, felt satisfied with it, & tucked it away in a drawer somewhere–no problem.
    And maybe that’s what a writer is.
    But an author HAS to care what others think, at least up to a point, because they want the writing to be their livelihood. And if people don’t like your stuff, they don’t buy it. Period.
    But either way, writers/authors are a pretty insecure bunch, now aren’t we? 😉
    (and I hope you liked the post, Sasha…didja like the post? wasn’t too long, was it? you did like it, right?)… 😎

  2. Eve

    I think its also that, as writers, we put so much of ourselves in our work – that in a way we are putting ourselves out there for the world to judge. I’m under strong cough syrup so please excuse if not perfectly rational – and no Raine, you can’t have any 😀

  3. That’s a fabulous review! I always worry too, I was wondering the other day if it ever goes away, it would be such a dream just to move onto the next project not worrying about the last LOL Maybe you have to be Nora for that kind of attitude 😆

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