

OKay, I’ve been gvigin this sci-fi erotica story a lot of thought. My idea from yesterday flopped. ๐Ÿ™ WHy? Becasue when I go thome from work I had such a massive headache(I think it was from tall the daylight in the last two days. ๐Ÿ˜Ž ) I took a nap and didn’t write.

When I woke up, the idea seemed stupid.:crazy:

So I did some surfing, and reading of excerpts, to see what people expected of an erotica sci-fi story. It’s a world…a Galaxy…where anything goes! Sex toys, that uhmmm, move on their own, space ships with ‘pleasure rooms’, smugglers and mercenaries. Whew! Ther eis some hot stuff out there.

I also found a couple with Sex-bots. Man oh man, I wish there was such a thing. I’d order one. *dreamy smile*He’d be tall, lean but muscular, dark hair, green eyes . . .and devoted my every erotic whim. ๐Ÿ˜›

As a single woman, (who hasn’t checked in on the singles website thing in a while) I have to say, if I could have one of these….I wouldn’t need a real man. I could just turn him off when I wanted my ME time, and on when I wanted uhmmm . . . to be turned on. :hehe:

If this was the year 3000 and you could have a sex-bot, or a pleasure room, or have any sex toy your imagination could come up with…what would you chose?


  1. Thats something Iร‚ยดve dreamed of… a sex-bot! a solution for those long periods with out having some nice sex…

    But, this can be really dangerous. Sex is something that helps a lot of couples to get on with day-to-day problems.. with sexbots… maybe some people will thing… Why do I need a husband/wife?

    Sorry, but my english is not very good!

    See ya! Youร‚ยดve got a fan in Madrid…

  2. Thats something Iร‚ยดve dreamed of… a sex-bot! a solution for those long periods with out having some nice sex…

    But, this can be really dangerous. Sex is something that helps a lot of couples to get on with day-to-day problems.. with sexbots… maybe some people will thing… Why do I need a husband/wife?

  3. Paula

    Hey Sasha I would have to say from a persons point of view that has read a lot of sci-fi erotica, you don’t necessarily have to have a sexbot. I think that the exotic like aliens and such, something that is different from us, the way they must have sex or having two "pieces of equipment" that can satisfy a woman at one time or something works really well. We as humans are afraid but also curious about the unknown and unfamiliar.

  4. Sasha

    Eros~ Thanks Hun! I can see how having a sex-bot could not be great, but I’d be willing to chance it! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Paula~ I dont; have a sex-bot in my story, it was just one of the ideaas I saw when surfing around, and thoguht…"Hey, woudln’t that be cool?" ๐Ÿ˜›

    Two pieces of equipment huh? :rolleyes:

    THanks Chey! I’ll check it out.

    Dianna~ I think I actually saw that story line a time or two. :hehe:

  5. Paula

    Yeah I’ve read sseveral where guy or girl poses as a sexbot because they are so life like. Its been done. Need a new take on it or hey maybe you could rewrite the old childs tale Pinocchio tale about a male sex bot who wants to be a real man, every time he lies he grows bigger. hahahahah now my minds in the gutter!

  6. Sasha

    Hahahaha. Too funny, Paula! I actually wanted to wite a short story about Pinocchio before. "Lie to me , Baby. Lie to me." :hehe:

    It has possibilities.

  7. Hey, I wrote a book along these lines. Paula is right; most examples of this type of book have the hero or heroine pretending to be a robot. Mine is one of the few I know of that actually has a robotic hero. And yeah, it’d definitely be nice to have one around:-).

  8. Instead of having the H/h pretending to be robots, write about a real robot, who wants to experience what it’s sex and be human. Kind of Robin Williams/robot in "Bicentennial Man". :hehe:

  9. Two aliens landed on a farm. The farmer and his wife took the aliens in and showed them their way of life and everything. One day the farmer and his wife get to talking. The farmer asks his wife, "I wonder what the aliens do for sex?" The farmer’s wife replied, "I don’t know. Do you want to find out?" The farmer agrees.
    So, that night, the farmer took the female alien up to one room while his wife took the male alien up to another room. As the wife was getting into bed, she looked down at the alien’s pecker and starts laughing. "You’ve got to be kidding me!" she laughed.

    The alien told her to wait for a moment. Then he slapped his cheeks and pulled his ears and the thing grew. The next day, the farmer asks his wife, "So, how was your night?" She replied, "Oh, it was wonderful. It was the best night of my life! How was yours?" "Well, not so good," replied the farmer, "all she kept doing all night was slapping my cheeks and pulling my ears."

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