Does it really matter?

Does it really matter?

I’m thinking about age here.

I had a good night at work last night. A couple of attractive men made time go by pretty fast, 🙂
One of the guys that I flirted with a bit older than me, with a bit of grey hair and killer blue eyes. Very nice. 😉

Then the other guy that I flirted with a bit was more than 10 years younger than me…and while I enjoyed it immensely, (very, very, sexy guy) I feel a bit like a dirty old woman.

A third guy of the night was a younger one that I uhmm, have a bit of a past with. He’s a good guy, just a bit immature and self centered. Oh wait, I already mentioned young right? :hehe:

So of course having a younger guy that I have a bit of a past with there made me realize that hey, maybe a younger guy isn’t so bad…. because Dom certainly did have his good points. 😛

I think younger men and older women are ok. I mean…most of the guys I’ve been involved with are younger. But only by 6, or 7 years at the most. Not 12!!

But …men do it all the time. :laugh:


  1. Sylvia

    I did tell you about my last boyfriend before my hubby right? The young Marine I had to beat off with a stick so I could get some sleep? :blush:

    Younger men definitely have their good points! 😉

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