

Cece has used this quote before and I liked it then. She blogged about it again today and I find it’s timing absolutely perfect.

…Find your own way; find your own magic. Write the book that no one else can.” And every time you feel that urge to make your work more “marketable,” more “mainstream,” just ask yourself: What would Madonna do?
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Right now, I’m struggling with what direction to go with a couple of my stories. Yes, I said a couple. I’m still working on 4 things. lol. However, there is no denying that 2 of them are erotica. The other two, are erotic romance. It’s the erotic romance ones I’m struggling with. Part of me just loves writing a light, fun and sexy romp. But part of me keeps trying to make them more serious. Give the characters more conflict.

I haven’t decided if it’s me that’s trying to make things more difficult, or the characters yet. I’m just pushing through and I’ll figure it all out later. :rolleyes:

In other news, I’m thinking about making a push for some ePublishing. I’ve been checking out sites like Elloras Cave and New Concepts Publishing.

My research this weekend has included reading some of their stories :hehe: and chatting with a couple of the authors. 😀 I’m pretty excited about it. I think it could be a great way to get my stories out there and build a readership. I have to admit I was very disappointed when I found out Down & Dirty 2 wasn’t going to be available in Canada. I wish I’d known that when I subbed to them. I would’ve still done it, of course I want to see any/all of my stories pubbed. But, availablity is oneof the keys to success. And the Internet makes things the most available.

What do you all think? Would you/Have you purchase an ebook?


  1. I’ve purchased several ebooks. I know I’m quite biased when it comes to your questions since I started out as an ebook author for Ellora’s Cave. I personally think there are some fabulous ebooks out there. Two of my favorite paranormal authors write ebooks.

    Ebooks are a good way to build a fan base. Also, they are a wonderful way to experiment with your writing. That’s what I did at EC. I got to try my hand at writing fantasy, time-travel, and historical. I probably wouldn’t have done so otherwise. Epubs are a wonderful place to start a career.

  2. Sasha

    Jordan, what your saying is one of the main reasons I’m wanting to try the ebooks. I want to try so many things, and I’m still not sure exactly where I, my voice, and my style fit. A bit of exposure and experience while I try different directions is a great thing.

    Now all I have to do is convice one of the publishers of that! 😛

  3. cece

    i havent bought any but one of the girls in my crit group has to see what EC is all about and if she wanted to try her hand at writing something geared toward them.

    On the character thing I hear you. I hope you figure it out. Maybe it’s the characters and part of a maturing writing voice. :satisfied:

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