What do you want?

What do you want?

So yesterday was my weekly post at Genreality and I blogged about rejection, and a recent one I got. If you read the whole post you’ll understand why I’m going to try and do more workshops and articles here on my own site. With that in mind, I’d like to know what sort of workshops you’re interested in.
So, tell me…what do you want to see articles or workshops on? If it’s a subject that I personally don’t feel capable of tackling, I’ll see what I can do about finding someone who can, and getting them to come here…so throw me some suggestions. πŸ™‚

One comment

  1. Laurie Kap

    Always love to hear about amping the tension in a scene, book…
    Character development
    What works for authors – plotting, pantzer, mix.
    For now that’s all I got, but usually whatever you have to say is helpful πŸ˜‰

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