Hodgepodge of thoughts.

Hodgepodge of thoughts.

I’ve added a webring to the sidebar on the left. It’s writers weblogs so when you feel the need to procrastinate, or read other peoples thoughts..check it out!

As for my thoughts today. I hate to say it, but not much is going on inside my head. :plain:
I’m getting some questions ready to put together a quiz for a magazine article, hopefully. It’s a fun project that I hope will work out. I’m also toying with an idea for a short story. Just to write something new then I’ll go back to Gina and Caleb and The Devil Inside.

I’m also pondering ideas for what to add to my website. I have a Bio ready to post, and I want to add another page…but not sure what. There are so many writers websites out there with articles on writing and such that I don’t really feel the need to do that. I don’t really want a message board, I like the way the Blog here works, with comments from anyone who wants to comment. I have some travel articles and such, but they don’t really fit with the whole SEXY writing theme of the site. Maybe a page where I can post excerpts and details about what I’m working on? I’m not sure…any ideas? Suggestions are welcome.



  1. Camille

    :)Well if anyone could write sexy travel articles it would be you darlin’! A page of travel articles and a page of what you’re working on…I’d do both, they’re linked really. I too like the blog thingy…though I often don’t comment, I do often lurk LOL! 😉
    keep up the great work and congrats onthe new book!

  2. I agree with everyone. The travel articles would be awesome and unique. Displaying excerpts and works in progress would also be a great idea. Also, may I suggest a page of your backlist, displaying all of your covers and a printable list with titles and ISBN’s so that people can refer to it and order your books.

  3. Sasha

    Sylvia. The KISS and TALE link is the backlist of books. I think I need to have the name changed on that because people don;t seem to realize it. But the covers, excerpts, and a link to buy are already on there.

    I’m thinking the travel articles will be coming soon then. LOL


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