Ordinary or extraordinary?

Ordinary or extraordinary?

Ir’s Monday so I’m gonna give you another Question of the Week. Last weeks was about characters who are writers, and Carol won a signed copy of Pleasures Edge. (Carol, you have until Wednesday to Claim your prize…email me)
This week the question is this…
Do you prefer stories with extraordinary people as characters (athletes, rock stars, movie stars) or do you prefer to read about ordinary people like those you feel you might actually hang out.
I knwo myself I prefer the ordinary people, as it feeds my belief we’re all special, only not everyone knows it. :mrgreen:
ANswer in the comments by Wednesday to be entered to win something. (No idea what yet…but I’ll think of something)


  1. jeanette8042

    I don’t have a preference for either since it’s fun sometimes to read about extraordinary characters to escape from reality a bit while ordinary characters provide a more realistic story with characters readers are able to relate to more.

  2. SarahM

    I definitely enjoy reading more about ordinary people for the same reason – I can’t really connect to superstars but can to ordinary people meeting and falling in love 🙂
    smaccall @ comcast.net

  3. Nyx

    Either would work for me, primarily because occupation/exterior doesn’t interest me as much as personality. Rich or poor, rock star or middle management, model or construction worker; if their personality or minds catch my interest I wanna read about them. The ‘extraordinaries’ can be dreadfully boring or only interesting by their claim to fame. While the ‘ordinaries’ don’t get instant interest through a hobby or passion so often their personalities are very interesting.

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