Need an Education?

Need an Education?

You defintiely need this one!
Talented author and my close friend, Beth Williamson has her first Brava hitting stores tomorrow!

Check it out !

madeline_for_webPlum Creek, Colorado 1872

The Right Man Comes Along

Madeline Brewster practically owns Plum City, Colorado. But at thirty-two, she knows she has missed any chance for happiness. Until she finds a tall, strong, handsome Irishman on the wrong end of the hangman’s noose. Suddenly this unconventional woman comes up with an outrageous idea . . .

Teague O’Neal has rugged cheekbones, tousled black curls, and eyes as blue as the sky, even if he is caked in Colorado mud. The men insist they caught him horse-thieving, and there’s something desperate about him that says he’d do anything for a buck.

Maybe it was pure chance, or maybe it was something more that brought Madeline and Teague together. But one thing’s clear, between a woman who has just about everything she could ever want, and a man who’s lost that and more, they might find something in between worth living for.

Read some Excerpts

PS: Beth and I will be doing a workshop at the RT conference in Orlando on the Yin and Yang of Critique partners. How someone who write in a different genre can be the right cp for you.


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