So what is it about cowboys, really?

So what is it about cowboys, really?

Beth’s back! Could you tell by the blog title? 😛

Mmmm, that’s a good question. People, especially men, ask me that question. It’s something deep down that appeals to me. Just looking at a man with a tight ass, strong legs, and broad shoulders riding a horse… Yeah, baby, that’s what I’m talking about. *down girl!*

And much to my delight, I live in an area of horse farms so I see a lot of men on horses (intentional? I’ll let you decide 😉 ). They just look so… damn sexy up there.

Ah, the essential cowboy that was raised to respect women, to know good from bad, to always make the right choice in the end, and who worked from sunup to sundown. A hard, tough man who didn’t take any shit. Period.

So, is it all sex appeal? Or is it that deep down yearning to have that alpha male grab hold of my hair and tell me what to do? Mmmm, perhaps. I also find a man riding a motorcycle to be incredibly sexy as well. When DH owned a motorcycle, I would get damp just seeing him ride up on that thing.

So what is it about cowboys, really? Pure-D male. High grade sexiness that digs its claws into me and won’t let up, no matter what.

Perhaps it’s a little heightened in me (*snicker* — no perhaps about that). Everyone has that “thang” that appeals to them at an elemental level. For my sister, it’s sweaty men in t-shirts, a la Bruce Willis in Die Hard. For me it’s cowboys. Meeeeeow! :hehe:

Purrrrrrr….. :rolleyes:


  1. JJ

    soooo, Beth… You like dirty, dusty, calloused, muscular, smells like leather and hay?

    It’s the hat-hair I can’t take. Everything else I kinda like… but hat hair, gross

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