Slim Camp Comeback

Slim Camp Comeback

Okay Folks. I took the summer off of the Slimcamp thing, and in all honesty, I’m not sure how long I’ll last at it this time either. ..but I’m going to start posting tips and stuff on again. I’ll try to keep the posts to every Thursday for consistency, but it’s not a promise. I’ve come to accept the fact that I personally suck at sticking to a schedule, even one I make for myself. 😳

What I will guarantee is that each post is tagged with the SASHA’S SLIM CAMP Category, and if you miss one, or want to check them all out, you can just go to the dropdown CATEGORIES list on the sidebar and select SLIMCAMP, and they’ll all come up.

The holiday season is scoming up, and that means party dresses and plenty of cookies. How does one balance that? Well, As always I’m full of advice, and now it’s time to see if I can follow some of it myself. I’ll be back tomorrow with a bit of my own plan to share.


  1. You’ve prompted me to post my “Think Thin Thursdays” once again, Sasha – I need the motivation to get me throught he holidays. I’m to the point where I’ll be pleased if I just maintain my current weight and don’t gain anything – I’m so weak when it comes to holiday treats.

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