It’s started.

It’s started.

Y’know, generally speaking I like February, but I’m so fucking tired of Valentine’s Day. Not so much the day itself, but all the build up is getting to be a PITA.

It’s barely the start of the month and I’m already tired of all the crap. It’s a predjuduce day. Yep, what about all us single people, huh? We have to watch the commercials full of romance, listen to the radio ads for jewelry, delete all the emails for flowers, and drool over all the chocolates that no one is going to buy for us. Yes, I can buy some for myself, but it’s not the same. I can buy some for myself anytime, and I do. I buy myself flowers occasionally, and chocolate way too often.

The point is, Single people need love too, especially on Valentine’s Day, becasue that’s when we are hyper aware of being single … and alone… again.

And then we eat the chocolate we bought ourselves, and read a romance novel before crying ourselves to sleep.

Okay, that’s a total exageration. LOL At 38 years old, having been single for every Valentines Day I’ve had, I’m used to it so it’s more of an annoyance than anything. And it’s not about being single, it’s about the fact that it’s become such a huge commercial holiday. The being single…it does sit in the back of the mind- in the back of my mind anyway. And as per every other day, sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it. So I’m not sure what I’m going to do this year to celebrate my aloneness, but I’ll let you know when I figure it out.

Cat News

As an aside, I hope my cats are feeling the love by then. I’ve had Scarlet for a month and a half now, and the first month was fine, a small bit of hissing when they met, but that was it. They seem good most of the time, but then the last two weeks, every time I turn around they are fighting. Or are they playing?

No blood yet. It usually starts with one of them walking up to the other, who is sleeping, then they start going for each others throats. A small quick scuffle with a lot of scratching, and the occasional cry, then they separate themselves. Then Scarlet chases Mystery around the house. Sometimes Mystery chases Scarlet, but it’s rare. This morning I heard a bit of growling so I went and looked, and Mystery was laying under the coffee table, with Scarlet on top of it. Scarlet would jump down and swat at Mystery before dashing away.

I’m just not sure if they’re playing, or trying to figure out who’s boss, or if they’ll never get along. If they’re playing, okay, I’ll ignore them. If they’re fighting, I need to find a new home for Scarlet.

Any ideas?


  1. Sasha, every Valentine’s Day for the past 8 years that I’ve been divorced I celebrate myself, and my independence. For me I call it Independence Day. I do something nice for myself, like have a spa day, or soak in the tub for hours listening to music and drinking a nice glass of wine, or I rent a bunch of movies I love and eat my favorite comfort food, strawberries and whipped cream.

  2. Yeah, I get what you’re saying Vivi. It’s not that I get all upset on the day of..(I got over that about ten years ago) I just get sick of all the build up. Plus, I’m sure it’s different for someone who’s had at least ONE Valentines day with someone, as opposed to someone who’s never had someone to share the day with.

  3. Vivi….that’s what I do!!
    And buy myself something that I normally don’t. LOL, I look at as an opportunity to indulge myself.
    But I feel what you’re saying, Sasha. And there are tons of contests and offers out there for couples only.
    Oh, and the cats. I’d say it’s a see who’s boss period. I’d give them while to work it out, let one establish dominance.

  4. Y’see, the thing is..I celebrate my independnce all the time. LOl I honestly do. I love being on my own, I go out..sometimes..I indulge myself because no one else will. I don’t need a special day to do that, and I don’t think any of us should.

    I also don’t think we should have a special day to be romantic should be random and mean something, not a day that you HAVE to do it.

    My point is I’m tired of all the propoaganda and hoopla around it. And honestly, as someone trying to lose wieght…the chocolate. Easter is bad enough to get past. :sport:

  5. I pretty much ignore all holidays. The hype is annoying.

    As for the cats, it’s a dominance thing. It sounds like they might be working through it. You said neither one is being harmed. It should work out.

    I’m worried about something similar. I’ve taken mine to Texas for the last three Christmases, and she still hasn’t made peace with my husband’s cats. We’ll be moving there permanently in May, so I hope everybody learns to get along. They can sleep on the same bed, but they don’t snuggle, and Tasha quite stressed when she’s there.

  6. That’s exactly it Jean, (on the cats and the holiday)

    I know Mystery is stressed, and honestly, it stresses ME to see them do that. I’ll give a week, maybe two more, and if it keeps up, Scarlet’s out of here. I hate to do that . I love her. I feel a connection with her, but this is Mystery’s home first.

  7. P.J.

    Okay, it absolutely sucks to be on a diet over Valentine’s Day, whether you have a honey or not. Plus the cats are ramping up the stress in your four walls.
    Maybe you could plan a new trip. Go eat something salty/spicy (popcorn, wings, mexican food, cajun food…anything but sweet). If you like exercising with videos, Gil Janklewiz (sp?) is very hunky eye candy, in Hawaii, but turn down the sound because he can be …um, obnoxious (IMHO). Kevin Hogan is also quite nice, with a very deep sexy voice & nce sense of humor. :sport:
    I feel this same way about Christmas, which is criminal for a mother to say out loud. I like Jean’s attitude:ignore it all, the hype is too annoying.

  8. Don’t give up on the cats too soon. It can take up to 3 months for them to work out who is boss and what they are doing is part of it. We are usually more stressed by it than they are.

    I do sometimes take a water spray bottle with water and about 2 Tbsp of vinegar and if they tussle more than I can take, I squirt them. it puts a quick end to the battle without direct intervention.

    (Says the owner of 7 cats and feral cat colony caretaker).

    As for Valentine’s Day – I’m married (have been for 10 years) and STILL have to buy my own present. Hubby loves me but NEVER remembers.

    this year I bought myself a bright pink Zune….. I might tell him, after he feels bad for forgetting – again.

  9. Allison

    The commercialization of Valentine’s is quite overdone. In fact, this applies to all holidays and how the stuff for the next one is out before the last one is even over. Sasha, I would buy you chocolates if you’d accept them!

  10. PJ ~ I am a fan of work out videos. LOL They’re a cheap way to mix things up. πŸ™‚ Thanks for the suggestions.

    Maura. That’s exactly what I did. I have a spray bottle with water I use when Scarlet jumps on the counter…or Mystery eats at my plants. So I started carrying it around with me so I can zap’em. :attack:

    Thanks Allison. The thought is appreciated, and it’s no calories! πŸ™‚

  11. Susan

    I don’t bother with holidays any more. I’m lucky if I even know what month it is! πŸ˜†

    Don’t give up on the cats!! I have had two for 5 years now and they still fight with each other. It’s much more playful now though. Every so often they will really get into, then I just shoot them with a squirt gun. Sometimes my dog will intervene. :great:

  12. Scarlet Wharton

    :crying: Don’t get rid of Scarlet…when I brought Trucker home there was an adjustment period between him and Brother Boo, but there fine now and they still play just like Scarlet and Mystery! I also have a 75 pound white sheapard/hisky mix, that was a longer peroid of adjustment but their all fine now! Please discard…I changed internet providers!

  13. and I don’t think any of us should.

    I dont either.

    I think Jean’s right on the dominance thing. We’ve had Rowdy for 2 years now and my still scuffle. Usually the boys but every once in a while Ham forgets he’s fixed and goes after Nat. :inlove:

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