Movies and Sven

Movies and Sven

After work yesterday I raced home to do the Romance Diva’s chat, and had a great time. There weren’t many people there, but I love all the Diva’s and it’s a real cozy and casual place. The minute the chat was over I raced out of the house to meet a friend at the movies. We went to see The Bourne Ultimatum. Even though I was there 35 minutes before the movie started, there was only front row seating left.

We took it.

And aside from the car chases, that were a bit hard to watch from that angle, it was worth it. The movie was great. All you’d expect from another Bourne film. More action, more story, adn more of Bournes past. The one complaint I have is that the female characters, (Nikki Paresons and Pamela Landy) weren’t kick ass enough. Sure they were smart, CIA woman who knew what they were doing and helped accomplish Bourne’s goals, but it irked me that they were the typical woman. WHen the guy running the hunt for Bourne steps over the line Landy looked, to me, like the “typical female” who couldn’t handle the dirty deeds needed to get things done. Now, did I like what the guy was ordering to be done? No. But it irked me that the only person who did show a discomfort with the situation was a woman. Make sense?

I think if you’re only going to have two women in a movie like this, they should get to kick some ass too. Not just be the brains that take it all down. Although being the brains is good too. What can I say? I want it all. 😈

That said, the movie was very good. some great action sequences, and smart, quick thinking.

Now, the 70 Days of Sweat is not working for me. I think it’s not working because I’m not too interested in making it work. I’m writing, a bit here and there, as I am back to work fullt ime, but honedstly, I’m not keeping track of my word/page count as I write. I’m just writing. I know I’ll start keeping track when I get closer to the deadlines because that’s when panic sets in. LOL But for now, I think I did maybe 5k this week. LOL Not enough, but something. And Sven isn’t scaring me, not sure why. Normally I respond well to trainers. LOL


  1. Sasha!

    I had to put away a project I was initially really excited about because it just wasn’t coming. I couldn’t figure out why and I wasted THREE WEEKS dicking with it!

    I finally had to say to myself “Now’s not the time” and put it away. I looked at my longterm goals (I have them nicely displayed in an Excel spreadsheet–I know, sick huh?) and start work on what matters most NOW.

    *sigh* But it’s such a cool concept! I know you’ll work through the problems with your story, and if you ever need to talk through it, I’m a phone call away!


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