Harry Potter Movie Night

Harry Potter Movie Night

A friend emailed yesterday about a midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenex. Of course I was in!

I just got home and wanted to talk abtou how enjoyable the night was. Besides us adults, there were 4 kids, and although I’m not usually a huge fan of kids, I have to say, these kids rocked! They were lively and entertaining while we waited for the movie, and quiet and engrossed in the movie during the movie! In fact, haveing them there made the movie that much more enjoyable.

As for a review of the movie: It was great.
They actually edited out very little from the book, although there were a few subtle changes, it wasn’t anything that made you think “Hey, what happened to so and so. It was in the book!”

I adored Luna’s character. She played it perfectly, and Ginny’s bit of kick of power was shown as well. Delores Umbridge was perfectly creepy, and Harry himself was as good as ever. All the regular players were there, and a few creatures too.

If you’re a fan of the Harry Potter series, you’re sure to enjoy the latest movie instalment. Now I can’t wait for the next book! I’ve already pre-ordered mine.:cool:


  1. My son has been clamoring to go since last week when he realized it would be out soon. I’m not a huge fan and would be just as willing to wait for the DVD, but I think my husband is going to rescue me and take my son this weekend. I hope anyway! šŸ™„

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