Energizer Cleaner

Energizer Cleaner

I’ve been on a massive cleaning spree the past few days. I mean, as in throwing stuff away, cleaning the bookshelves off even. As in All the books I’ve held onto for years because they were “keepers”. That’s not to say I didn’t love them, but I’m thinking, if I haven’t re-read them in the past year or two…they can go. Tonight, I do the same thing with my closet. Yep, look out clothes, I’m coming in with a big green garbage bag!

I think it’s major procrastination, plus, I know the time is coming soon for me to go back “into the cave” and get some major writing done. And it’s always nice to not have to trip over stuff when I’m in my story. Because I have come to accept that -for me- I’ll never be someone who write a certain amount every day. Who writes all the time, and who is basically balanced.

Yep, I’m an all or nothing kinda girl, and that means I can take time off from writing, and not write at all….then when it is time to write…that’s all I’ll do. My biggest home fro this coming round of maniac writer time is that I can control my eating. I don’t think not working out four days a week will hurt that much as long as I can stay away fromt he donuts and potatoe chips. 😳

In other news. My Gerber daisies only have one flower left. The others have died. But, I looked up some care tips on the internet, and aim to have more blooms soon. *crosses fingers* All the other plants and flowers are still alive, so I’m feeling pretty good.

How about you? Anything interesting you want share??


  1. Sasha, I have to do a little of that cleaning myself. My bookshelves are full with *keepers* and I haven’t read them in years so maybe it’s time to pass them on and let someone else fall in love with them the way I have.

  2. Ali

    Ooh, Sasha, you’re a stronger person than I am… I can’t stand the thought of getting rid of my books 😯 lol
    As for anything interesting happening, nope, things are boring over here :bored:

  3. As much as I freaking HATE cleaning, I write so much better if my room is clean (Since that’s where I write). Otherwise I get real clausterphobic and I start worrying about all the other things I should be doing, like cleaning. 😳

    Almost ALL the plants I bought at the beginning of summer are still alive! I almost lost the marigolds but they came back better than before….and so far the hydrangeas are hanging in there but I’m not sure for how much longer.

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