It’s Friday!! And October is rushing to a close. It feels like it’s rushing. Man, I’m somehow behind on things again. Where do the days go?

My brothers birthday is tomorrow and I still haven’t gotten him a present. I’ve been trying to think of somehting good, but if you were around last year, you’ll remember my brother’s a bti hard to buy for. I don’t want to get him gift certificates becasue I have a plan to get some of those for him for Christmas. Oh well, I’ll figure it out, I always do. 😀

Also, galley’s for WATCH ME have arrived, and I’m going through them today. I love that my own stories surprise me at times. I wrote this story in January, so it’s a good length of time since I’ve read it. DId I tell you it’s about a married couiple? And that Samair, one of the secondary characters is teh heroine in TROUBLE? I find it a blast to see some of my characters and stories starting to tie together.

In other parts of my life. I’m trying to detox from pop again. This means headaches, adn last night I actually had chills! Maybe it’s more than detoxing the Diet Dr.Pepper from my system thats making me feel like crap?

OKay, here’s a joke to start your weekend off right. 🙂

This one is from Lynn:
A married couple is driving along a highway doing a steady 60 miles per hour. The wife is behind the wheel. Her husband suddenly looks across at her and speaks in a clear voice. “I know we’ve been married for twenty years, but I want a divorce.”

The wife says nothing, Keeps looking at the road ahead but slowly increases her speed to 65 mph.

The husband speaks again. “I don’t want you to try and talk me out of it,” He says, “because I’ve been having an affair with your best friend, And she’s a far better lover than you are.”

Again the wife stays quiet, But grips the steering wheel more tightly and slowly increases the speed to 75. He pushes his luck. “I want the house,” he says insistently..

Up to 80. “I want the car, too,” he continues.

85 mph. “And,” he says, “I’ll have the bank accounts, all the credit cards and the boat!”

90 mph 95 mph ……….The car slowly starts veering towards a massive concrete bridge. This makes him nervous, so he asks her, “Isn’t there anything you want?”

The wife at last replies in a quiet and controlled voice. “No, I’ve got everything I need,” she says.

“Oh, really,” he inquires, “so what have you got?”

Just before they slam into the Bridge at 95 mph, The wife turns to him and smiles. “The airbag.”

Moral of the Story :
Women are clever!!!
Don’t mess with them!!


  1. JANET

    i know what u meen with trying to quit the soda thing, im addicted to pepsi twist, it has lemon in it. i love that one. i went two weeks one time with out it but is like a terrible drug addict trying to quit smack or crack. lol. im in a diet but is hard for me to quit the soda. crap i get chills n i get real nervouse n i snapp at my nieces n neaphews n sisters lol.i have stoped for three days now n i got the nerves again lol. and with xmas around the corner n a huge family to give presents too, yeah i think ill fall of the soda wagon lol. im silly lol

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