I got Flowers!!!

I got Flowers!!!

Okay, So this might not be abig deal for some, but I’ve only ever had flowers given to me once before. By my best friend who felt sorry for me when she found out I was 30 and had never been given flowers before. LOL

It’s not a big deal, (not getting them) I buy them for myself sometimes when I feel the need. Like Thursday, the day after the booklaunch, I bought myself a smallpot of lilies. Then I went in to work tonight…and learned that Kelly, on of my friends/co-worker, who hadn’t made it to the book party , had bought me a HUGE boquet of flowers!! I MEAN HUGE. It has lilies, and rosed, and gerber daisies as well as greens and I thinkeven Mint…. When I was driving home from work, and it was inthe passsenger seat next to me, it was the same hight as I was. šŸ˜€

I have a picture of them both, but my photo program is being stubborn so I’ll have to post it another time. I just had to share the news now. LOL

Also…SATURDAY… starting at NOON EST, myself, Bonnie, and Lucinda will be on the Aprhodisia Readers and Fans Loop talking about our new release..PURE SEX. Excerpts and prizes and lots of fun..so join us!


  1. It’s so nice to get flowers, šŸ˜› I’ve only ever gotten them from my sisters, my mum and my girlfriends in the past though. Oh, and my students last year on my 30th birthday. Now THAT was a surprise. Too sweet.

    I’m so glad your booksigning went well, Sasha. The idea scares me half to death. I can stand in front of 26 rowdy 15 year olds and talk sex ed, but a book signing? :mrgreen:

    Okay, played enough. Back to work, see ya :great:

  2. Linda

    :jump: Congrad’s on the book signing and the flowers. I love flowers and roses. Especially the ones with alot of pretty colors.

    Now for the yahoo group. I see my post are not showing up. Yahell acting up again I see. I really would hate to miss out on winning some really good prizes from you lovely ladies.

    I can’t wait to receive my copy of Pure Sex. I love the cover and the stories sound really good :great:


  3. Hey Linda! You r copy should show up soon. I already mailed it. LOL

    Some of the posts are on yahoo now..not many .LOL I think it’s only the ones we actually posy online instead of email in though..:(

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