

What is it about the tease that’s so hot?

You know what I’m talking about. That tingle you get between your thighs when someone exciting catches your eye, or when you catch his. The lingering looks, the hair toss, the silent communication. That time when your blood heats up and your body tingles and you feel the magic of “what if”, the possibilities of what could be. It’s almost intoxicating.

I flirt a lot. Men and women alike flirt with me. I love it. It makes me feel more beautiful and sexy than any compliment ever could. It doesn;t matter that I’m flirting with a guy that’s fifteen years younger than me, or a woman, when I have no interest in the same sex. All that matters is that air of anticapation, the “what if?”, the possablilites that float in the air.

These things fire up my blood and get my juices flowing south…and that makes me FEEL attractive and beautiful and sexy.

Maybe one day soon I’ll stop remembering that I’m out of shape, and that I don”t always feel that way…and go for it. Maybe one day, I’ll consider the possability that I might not be single forever.

Maybe one day…I’ll let the mental walls down and invite someone in to get to know me.


  1. Scorpio57

    I still say the mind is the most sensitive erogenous zone. Anticipation, possibilities, imagination and ANONYMITY are all tangled together into the most intoxicating brew… with a stranger you can be… ANYTHING. And the fear of someone seeing the real you can definitely stop you in your tracks.

  2. Sasha…I hear you girl. I LOVE flirting with the young men I work with. And Scorpio you are so right about the brain being the biggest errogenous zone…imagining the possibilities is enough sometimes to get me off…I

    I have a powerful imagination!!! 😈

  3. SD

    I feel you. Absolutely. I’m probably one of the most insecure people you’ll ever meet, and when someone shows interest in me, it goes a long way to breaking down that wall of insecurity I like to hide behind.

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