

My cat is sick. I think. She’s very very cuddley and her eyes are watery. That means she’s got a cold right?

What do I do? Anyone?

IN other less important news, nothing new is going on in my life. I got spoiled at christmas, and I’m procrastinating on my WIP. This weekend will be a cram weekend for me to get it down and on my editors desk on Tuesday when he gets back from his holidays. 🙂

One of the gifts I got for christmas was a scanner/copier, and when I have time I’ll hook it up and have some fun. I can finally share a bunch of picutures with you all of magazine pictures and stuff that inspire me.

Oh! And I did try to clean and rearange my office on Boxing Day, adn I found some really old files and papers. I plan to share them with you too. But, uhmm, right now I want to go cuddle my cat. She’s looking sorta sad.


  1. Keep her cuddly and warm and make sure she eats and drinks. Just like if you had a cold…

    Also, if you have a diffuser (not sure if you’re into natural healings) you can diffuse peppermint oil in the air. It works!

    When I or my daughter get sick, I use peppermint oil and try not to use over the counter drugs. When I use the oil the cold/flu lasts maybe a day, two at the most…

  2. Eve

    Okay – is her nose runny too? Is she sneezing? There is something called Cat Flu and in adult cats is will usually clear up on its own in a week to ten days. Keep her eating, don’t worry unless the secretions get thick and are discolored. On the flip side, it could be just an irritation – a simple washing with warm water of a mild salt solution (a pinch of salt to a cup of water) should clear it up. With as many cats as I have I’ve run into my fair share of problems. Keep cuddling her – that always helps us feel better and cats are no different.

  3. Sasha

    She sneezed a few times yesterday but not yet today…and today she’s eating, and her eyes aren’t runny. So maybe it was 24 hour thing. 🙂
    I’m going to keep close eye onher though. Thanks Eve!

  4. Dorothy

    Use Warm weak tea & wipe her eye with it using a cotton ball.(Old wise tale)I have used it on my animals & it works.If not better in a day or two i would take her to your Vet.

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