Getting Mad

Getting Mad

I’m getting mad at myself. I’m still not finished this novella. Not sure why I’m taking so long. I’m enjoying the stor, I even know where it’s going next. But I can’t seem to make myself stay seated at the computer. and when I do, I just want to surf the net. Ahhh, I think it might be the seasons changing. Silly reason, but honestly, the days are getting Blah, and I really just want to sleep all day.

Not a big deal since I prefer to work at night. But then at night I keep creeping over to my T0-be-read pile of books and trying to start one.:blush:

I feel like reading, not writing. What’s up with that?


  1. Mr 26

    Boy can I relate to this entry. I write constantly for technical publications, and my own pleasure, but every once in a while I get hit with exactly what you are talking about – I just keep finding all sorts of reasons NOT to.

    I generally give in for a day or two (after all, reading fun, and good for the imagination in regulated doses.) and then come back to it and that seems to help. But just like with editors, I have to give myself a deadline, or I’ll wander out in cyberland for ages!

    Mr 26

  2. Stacey I/Anna E.

    I hear you! I have been taking a writing break, but even if I weren’t I know I wouldn’t be getting much done. I’ve been sucked into the Anita Blake vampire novels and I can’t get out! Thank god I’m already on the last one and almost ready to reclaim my life. Good luck.

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