

It’s Friday!! One more night at work and then I get three more days off! :hehe:

Well, those three days are the days when I get most of my writing done, so they’re not really ‘days off’ just days off from the pub.

I actually only work 2 days this week, because I took Wednesday off for the blog party. (And had a great time giveing things away!) Last night when I went into work, feeling pretty good. Relaxed and pumped at the same time. My first table was a table of 16 Ironwokers. Hungry, thirsty and flirtatious ironworkers. They thinned out through out the night, but there were still 2 left at the end of the night when I locked up. Man those guys can drink! I had to kick them out. :rolleyes:

And somehow, my hormones managed to take control through-out the night. Not the ones we talked about yesterday, that means NOT the ones that cause me to think about sex all night.(despite the men there) The ones that were in charge last night were the FOOD SLUT ones. :O

I bet it was because I was feeling good about being healthy. Yup, you know when you start to feel good about that something has to go wrong. It started with an order of Dry Garlic Ribs. Then came the chicken wings. THEN came the Cactus Cut Potatoes! I love those potatoes. They’re like spicy ships and dip.

Anyway..At least I can honestly say I didn’t eat ALL of that. I shared with a couple of regulars sitting at the bar. I told them that if they ate some, they’de be helping me on my diet. 😀 Then I got home and had a breaded chicken breast before going to bed. :blush:

BUT! I only had one glass of Diet Coke. Okay, I had one PINT of Diet coke. 😛 And today, after sleeping all that food off late into the morning, I’m back to salad and chicken breast for lunch. There will be a case of Diet Coke going in my fridge when I go grocery shopping tomorrow! I’d rather have the pop than the greasy food. 😉

What about you all…what ARE you willing to sacrifice for your health? And what will you NEVER give up?


  1. I cannot give up sweet tea. That’s one thing I can’t do without. I’ve tried to use NutraSweet, Sweet ‘n Low and Splenda. It’s just not the same. Here in the south, it has to be sweet tea.

    As to what I’m willing to give up? I’m not sure. If I had given anything up recently I wouldn’t need to lose 20 pounds! :crazy:

  2. During this Lenten time I gave up fast food for lunch. It might not seem like much but it’s been an eye opener on how often I ate out. Forgot to pack a lunch? Go down to the food court. Slept in and couldn’t eat breakfast? Pick up a bagel and hot chocolate at Tim’s on the way in or have those nice people downstairs make me a bacon & egg sandwich.

    Because I take Lent seriously, I’ve been sticking to it. Whenever I think of the convenience and want to fall off the wagon, I call my sister who babbles about how Jesus died for my sins and I end up cooking.

    What I would never give up for my health? My Mom’s apple pie.

  3. Food to give up…I’ve actually give up caffeine because of migraines (well, mostly, lol) which I hated. But if my life depended on giving up french fries, I’d be a goner for sure. Great question 😀

  4. I discovered that I’m insulin resistent about a year and a half ago, and had to cut out all refined sugars and most heavy carbs. I will cheat once a week with pizza (the crust is cheating, I don’t give a rat’s ass about the toppings) or chicken nuggets. I’m not a big pasta, potatoe or rice person so I don’t miss that stuff. But I do miss cake and cookies and stuff like that. Thank God for Breyer’s Chocolate Caramel icecream – no sugar added *grin*

  5. Amy

    Funny you should ask…I just gave up sugar and white flour for health reasons on March 1st. And I am a sugar-holic!!! Believe me, I had to really feel like crud to ever agree to it. So far I’m doing great. Eating out is nearly impossible, but I’m learning all kinds of other ways to make desserts without sugar. 🙂 That’s what’s important…that it TASTES like it has sugar!

    My answer to what could I never give up six months ago would have been sugar.

    (I may sound like I’m doing great with it, but believe me, the hubby gets all the whining. :D)

  6. Robyn

    Sharing food with someone and telling them that they would be helping you on your diet is a GOOD one; I’ve never heard of that before but it has logic(hehehe).

  7. Sasha

    Wow! I’m so glad to see we all have our weaknesses. 😀

    Trish~Sweat Tea is Iced tea? or hot tea with sugar? Either way I’m good to give that up. lol Then again, it just doesn’t get that hot here in Alberta, not often anyway.

    Grace~ Fast Food is a great thing to give up for lent. Good luck!

    Nicole~ We don’t have Dr.Pepper here, or the diet version. Probably a good thing though, I don’t really need another pop addiction. 😛

    Cece~ PMS. :crazy: ’nuff said. 😉

    Jill~ Are you Italian by any chance? I always blame my love of all food on my Italian genes. 😎

    Marty~ McDonalds french fries. YUM! Or regualr friens, crispy with alt and peeper and vinger…or with gravy and….okay. enough. I have to stop!!!

    Trace~ Strangely, My mom has been nagging me to go get my blood checked for that reason. She thinks that’s why I ‘m having such a hard time losing weight now, when I never have before. That and the fact that soimetimes all I want to do is sleep, and diabetes is heavy in out family. I’m glad to hear it’s not that bad and that you can still cheat once in awhile. Thanks for sharing that. Maybe I will go get it checked. now. 🙂

    Amy~ Good for you fro sticking to it and finding alternatives! If the Dr says I need to cut the sugar…you can bet I’llbe adding some sugarless baking recipes to the ssite. Like you…I need my sugar..or at least the illusion of it.

    Robyn~ Thanks! I though it was pretty smart. 😉

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