More than writing.

More than writing.

Usually I get most of my writing done on weekends. I go grocery shopping at the beginning, and then I hole up in my apartment for three days, with the phone turned off, and no way for anyone to reach me (except email…which I can choose to acknowledge or not,) and I work on building my career. Sometimes I work on my website, (:crazy: ) sometimes I edit (:plain: ), sometimes I just think about my stories. (Yes, that IS working!) But this weekend was about more than writing for me. πŸ™‚

It had been a hectic, busy, few days at work and I especially wanted to hole up and be anti-social. But, one of my co-workers mentioned that Leesa (another co-worker) was going to make it to our Saturday night Valentines Day party at the lounge. This was worth making an appearance for because I hadn’t seen Leesa in a few months (she just had a baby recently and this was her first night out since the birth!)

But, par for the course, once I was out I had a great time. You see, I’m one of those people that are hard to get to go out…. but once I’m out, I make the best of it. We played pool (Leesa won.:angry: But it was close. πŸ˜‰ ) We played air hockey. (I kicked ass and am undefeated!! :D) We had some shooters and did some dancing. πŸ˜› All in all, a great night out.

Then today, I did manage to get a bit of writing related stuff done, (I got a sneak peek at Sylvia’s 3rd story for her Brava anthology…. Great Stuff!!!) Then I joined 15 members of my family for my uncles 60th birthday. It was surprisingly easy for me to feel social once again. I saw cousins that I haven’t seen since they were little and I realized just how fast time does pass. And how as much as I am my own person, I am part of a big family, even though we rarely get together. It was a nice, warm way to spend a Sunday evening.

Also surprising, was when I mentioned that I write erotica, I didn’t get as bad a reaction as anticipated. But I think that comes from the fact that as I’ve grown as a writer, and worked in different markets I’ve realize that this really is something that is NOT easy to do, and I feel pride in my accomplishments, and the way I feel about it can influence the way others do. Does that make sense?

Anyway, tomorrow is the busiest day of the year for the restaurant I work at, and even though it’s normally my day off, I have to go in. But I’m feeling pretty social, so it’ll be fun! Especially now that I’ve been reminded that Valentines Day is about Love, not necessarily romance.


  1. Soubds like you had a terrific weekend! πŸ™‚

    I’m the same way about going out – have to be dragged there and once I’m out, I’m like, "Why don’t I do this more often?" (maybe because I like being a hermit too much – LOL)

    And I do think that the way you hold yourself as a writer, the pride with which you talk about the genre, does influence people. Say it loud and proud πŸ˜‰

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