

It’s been a while since I blogged about writing. Partly because most of the blogs I read have been all about writing and publication lately, and I try to be different. But I think mostly it’s because I’m not sure exactly what path I’m going down with my writing right now.

At this point in time last year I’d just finished my first attempt at a ROMANCE NOVEL. It was a big step for me because a) it was a romance and not erotica b) it was a novel, and not just a short story. Harlequin Temptation rejected the ms last February. Their concern was my “writing style”. I took that to mean my voice, and style were not suited to Har at all. (the full for that ms is now at both EC and Liquid Silver ) But, I wanted to write MORE than erotic short stories, so I started a novella, aimed at Brava, in February. I’m still not finished it!! Not only am I not finished it, but I’ve started several other ‘projects’ that are now unfinished. (I’m also contemplating turning the novella into a longer novel! Yes! I think I might be :crazy: ) I did manage to complete and sell a couple more erotic short stories, so it’s not like I’m not doing ANYTHING. But that wasn’t part of my goal.

My website is one accomplishement that I’m very happy with this past year. Although I didn’t BUILD it myself, I am proud of the fact that I hired a great designer! I also learned a lot about writing in 2004. I didn’t take any courses, or go to any workshops, yet I can see a difference in my writing. An improvement.

Now, improvement of actual writing aside, I still feel a bit lost. I still want to have a book of my own out there, something with my own name on the cover and not just one of many authors in an anthology. But I haven’t even been able to finish a 120 page novella, how the hell am I ever going to write NOVELS!? Why is it I’m stalling in all of my current projects? I’m pretty sure it’s not a ‘fear of success’ thing. It’s not a fear of failure wither. LOL I’m ok with both. Part of it is time management, and other obligations, but everyone has those so I have to look deeper.

When I look deeper I find a dark swirling hole. Reasons circling the drain are.
1) Don’t know where to target. ePublishers, Brava, Black Lace, Berkeley?
2) Don’t know what to write. erotica, or romance?
3) Stick with short stories, maybe even sell some more? Or take some time and actually write a full novel that may, or may not, be a complete loss?
4) Get rid of another shift at work so I can have more time to write? (I think I do better under pressure, and what better pressure/motivation to focus on writing than needing to sell to pay the bills?

This would be an investment in myself. A step that means…I am going to do this and BE SUCCESSFUL.

I’m hoping to figure things out for myself soon…Part of me says just write. If the novella isn’t working then write something, anything that grabs you. Then the doubts hit again. I’m not like some of my writer friends. I don’t hear voices in my head, or get visits from my characters. I can’t write 10 pages a day. 5 pages a day is a banner page count for me. Is this because I don’t have the time to immerse myself? Or because I’m not really a “true” writer?

Ok. This blog turned out a bit longer than I planned. But, it explains why I haven’t blogged about writing lately. :blush:


  1. This is going to sound hysterical coming from me, queen of unfinished projects, but I agree with Cece – we need to stick with one thing through a complete rough draft at least. I’ve spent the past week on one story and I’m finally ‘into’ it. I’m excited – happy – mumbling to myself – and it’s been a long time since that’s happened. You know I’ve felt so scattered too…(I had to force myself back – but it was worth it – it was a bit like doing homeowrk at first)

    I also think that the market right now will bear some really sexy stuff, so if that’s what you want to write, write it – I think you can try mainstream print with what was once considered erotica… 😉

  2. Jaq

    Ditto, everything Cece said (including the Jack shit part.)
    I’m also with Sylvia. Less net, more write. I can’t believe how much time I waste on the ‘net’ unwinding at the end of the day, to get in the mood to write. gg.

  3. Sasha, don’t take it to mean that your style isn’t right for Harlequin AT ALL just because they said your writing style wasn’t right for Temptation. It could have just been that book or it could have been the wrong line. I was told by the senior editor of Intrigue that my "voice isn’t right" for their house. Not that book, not that line, but my voice wasn’t right for the entire house! A few months later I sold that same book, no changes, to SIM.

  4. I’m popping in late too. But I say Ditto too. I’ve decided not to target and just write. Write what I want as it comes to me. Doesn’t mean I’m choosing one thing over another. And all my novels have been catagory length contemporaries but now, I’m plotting a ST Paranormal series. And thinking of how to expand the others and having some good ideas.

    Good Luck!! 🙂

  5. Can I ditto everybody’s dittos? I’m in a boat not unlike yours, Sasha, except none of my paddlers ever sold. I’ve got one completed ms and four others in varying degrees of completion. And none of them are solid fits for anything. But I’ll keep plugging away and learning everything I can. Good luck!

  6. Really, *really* late here, but Saw the link on eHq. I was supposed to have my fourth book done in July, but four hurricanes, one 90 hr/week job and seventeen rewrites later, it’s still not out the door. I think my manuscript death grip has to do on one hand with the rejections I’ve been receiving of late. It’s a knock to your confidence, no doubt about it. And it’s tough to work for months on 250 pages of something that then gets summarily dismissed by the only print house whose guidelines it fits! You don’t want to see another of your projects get the "big no."

    I have a mess of unfinished slying around the hard drive as well. I’m feeling your pain. I used to feel guilty about them, but then I started viewing manuscripts like relationships. Sometimes, you go on a few dates (chapters) with someone new, and it doesn’t work out. Sometimes you’re with them for a year or two (or 400 pages). Then, if things start going sour, you don’t just ditch and run, right? You work with them. You talk it over, really dig deep to see where the difficulty lies (revision), go to couples therapy (critiquing) or some nonsense like that. If you’ve already booked the wedding coordinator (agent) and started collecting gifts (requests) you can’t just back out. I think. 😉

    When I wrote my first temptation, I did it to see if I could write 240 pages. Once I knew I could write a whole book, no matter what it looked on, I started concentrating on making it "good". Strangely enough, my books have gotten progressively longer with every attempt.

    I say go for it. You’ll be able to recognize when the critical mass occurs that changes your manuscript from "datable" to "The One." Good luck!

  7. Cece

    Well you know I have an opinion on everything :blush:
    1) Don’t know where to target.


    2) Don’t know what to write.


    3) Stick with short stories, maybe even sell some more?


    4) Get rid of another shift at work so I can have more time to write?


    and… 5 pages a day is a banner page count for me. Is this because I don’t have the time to immerse myself? Or because I’m not really a "true" writer?

    Writing is like sex or training for a marthon. The more you do it the better you get at it. 😛 I used to only write 5 pages a day too and that was banner…Now I can do 10-15 (of course right now I’m not doing jack crap LOL). Get comfortable with 5 then push it to six or seven. Get comfortable…then go for ten.

  8. Sasha Cooper

    Ok, this is odd. My name’s Sasha, I work as a waitress [one of my jobs, anyway] and struggle writing.
    It’s a heck of a pleasure to know you exist, ma’am.
    Have one Happy Year!

  9. Coming in late to ditto everything everyone said! 😛

    Sasha, I understand the not being able to finish anything longer than a novella. Yes, I’ve finished 5 full novels, but let me tell you–every single one was torture. After writing three long novels, I decided I hated it. So I wrote a shorter Temptation. It wasn’t nearly so difficult to write it, though I did start getting ancy around the last couple of chapters. I had to force myself through them.

    Writing the Brava novella was both easier and harder. Easier because it was too short to grow bored with, but harder because there isn’t as much room for all the things I love, like character development, complex plot, etc. I don’t feel like my voice shines as much.

    Anyway, I say write what you want to write. And maybe try something new on the side. But whatever you do, WRITE!!!! 🙂

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