

{{popup meow.jpg meow 573×360}}THIS is a pic of our winning pumpkin carving from Saturday nights halloween party if anyone is interested. I love it! I think we did a damn good job! πŸ˜‰

Last nite I met Dianna, who was in town visiting her daughter, for the first time. Such a sweet woman! I do enjoy meeting people I know from the internet for the first time. Speaking of . . . I’ll be heading down to California for the first time in my life on Saturday. While there I’ll be part of a three day writing retreat in Palm Springs, and I’ll be making a stop at DISNEYLAND!! :hehe:

Who am I doing all of this with? Well, that would be my cp Sylvia! We’ll be meeting in person for the first time, and I know we’re going to have a blast!

I managed, just barely, to get my 5 new pages done before going to work last night, and today I want to go back and change one of them.:crazy: But the whole point of this challenge is to create NEW pages so I’m going to try to move on,with the last page just highlighted and some notes on how I want to change it.

Today’s a short short day for me, I work an hour earlier so this is it for my blogging time, it’s off to write!!

Oh, but I have question. My laptop is dieing and I can’t decide if I should get an alphie, or a new laptop. I know the alphie is lower cost, (which I like) but I can do things on my laptop that I can’t on my desktop (like website updates) Any idea’s or suggestions?


  1. I just went through the same thing when my laptop bit the dust, but I went for another laptop as opposed to something else. I like being connected to the internet and I can find a way to procrastinate no matter what, so having a machine that I could only type on wouldn’t help that anyway. And since my desktop isn’t that powerful, I can only do website and blog stuff on the laptop. Also, I like having a full screen – I don’t think the alpha smart has that… πŸ™‚

  2. That’s a hard call hon (I wont even comment on you going ot the "D" place :crazy: ) I think it’s personal preference. I have a computer I can do web stuff with (but I really wnat a 17 in monitor). I have an alphie and i love that it’s light and durable and I don’t mind taking it places like basketball practice. The Neo has a bigger screen but not a full screen and honestly it doesnt bother me to not be able to see more than four lines. Why wont the desktop do web stuff? My desktop needs a new motherboard :O

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