Bad Mood

Bad Mood

I’m having computer problems. UGLY computer problems. Every time I try to save a document the program quits and I lose everything!! This happens when I am on Microsoft Word and Applworks (macintosh computer). I’m pretty pissed because I bought this computer because MACs were supposed to be simple and stable. :angry:


  1. Sasha, I had a similar problem on my PC (not a Mac). I finally started making two copies of each WIP, so that if I lost one I’d always have the other. It seems to have worked. My machine has been behaving (knock on wood) ever since. 🙂

  2. Sasha

    That would work, if the program would let me SAVE anything. I actually am very good about backing things up. I even email them to myself incase I lose a disk or file. But this….I don’t know how to get around not being able to hit save?:crazy:

    I’m going to MACworld Tomorow for help. It’s just so frustrating I don’t know if I should throw a fit or sit in a corner and cry.:confused:

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