Religion vs Spirituality

Religion vs Spirituality

Are you a religious person? A spiritual person? I had a great discusion with a co -worker the other night about this. But in the end, he still didn’t understand how I could seperate the two. For me it’s simple.

I’m not a religious person, but I am a spiritual one.

I was raised Roman Catholic, yet as I learn and grow as a person I find that I don’t believe in organized religion. I believe that if you live a good life and try to do good things you will be rewarded. Does it matter to me if the reward is entrance into heaven, or someone, in turn, doing good for me, or even just the absence of bad luck? No it doesn’t matter.

What matters to me is that I believe in a higher power. And I can talk to that higher power, be it God, or The Good Mother, or whomever it is, whenever, and wherever I want. I don’t need to go to a church or temple to do it. I don’t need a list of do’s and don’ts to tell me how to be a good person. I don’t need a priest to give me forgiveness or dole out penance. All I need is faith. It all takes place in my heart and in my soul, where it counts.

One comment

  1. Dianna

    😀 We stopped going to church a few years ago, when we realized that trying to keep the manmade rules of the church were getting in our way with our relationship to our creater! I felt a sense of freedom when we left. Yep Sasha no middle man needed in Spiritualty, we go straight to the scorce.

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