Movie Night

Movie Night

The dicotemy of an author was very apparent at my house last night. It was movie night, and I got to pick all the movies we rented. What did I pick?
First movie of the night was How To Train Your Dragon. LOVED IT!

American Psycho 2. It wasn’t as good as the first, and I was disappointed that Christian Bale wasn’t in it. But honestly, after the trailer, I knew it would be cheesy and silly and weird…and it was. LOL It had it moments though, and was a pretty good choice for second movie of the night. (I’m glad the kitty Ricky Martin was saved, cuz that would’ve upset me. LOL )

Last movie of the night was Under A Tuscan Sun with Diane Lane.
LOVED IT. Really, you romance fans need to see this if you haven’t. It’s inspirational in a couple of ways. šŸ˜‰


  1. I loved #1 and #3! #2 would probably give me nightmares.
    Just watched Letters to Juliet and it awed me with the reminder of the power of words. Whenever I start thinking writing is a pointless and self-indulgent way to spend my life, something like that comes along and gives me hope.

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