

B_0232It’s 9:56 on Wednesday morning and I’ve already done more this morning that I have all week. That says something good for today, but not so good for what I’ve been up to for the last 2 days, hmm?
Lately I’ve seen a lot of writer friends talk about how their struggling with their productivity and time management. It’s something I’ve been struggling with myself, so it’s hit home. I think back to how productive I used to be, and I miss it. The strange thing is I was super productive with writing, not so good at everything else, or I was going gang-busters on everything else, and not writing. It’s all about balance, something I’ve been trying to sort out for years.
For years….it’s scary to realize that I’ve been dealing with this issue for years. Especially when I know in my heart that all I really need to do is focus. And the key isn;t focus on everything, but to focus on one thing at a time.
I’ve been thinking about this, and come to realize that before I started writing I never used to think ahead. I was very much ‘live in the moment‘ and it worked for me. Only when it comes to a writing career, I learned pretty quick that it didn’t work so well. I mean, I stayed that way when I first started, and wrote and sold, and wrote and sold, not really thinking about the future, just thinking that if I kept working hard the career I wanted would happen. But things don’t just happen in the writing industry, not for the majority of us, so I started thinking ahead, planning and strategizing….and *I* got lost.
I say I got lost because planning and strategizing isn’t natural to me. Not in a consistent/constant way. I can plan a party with the best of them, but career planning…so not my thing. So, it’s time to go with my strengths and do what comes natural. I’m not planning anymore. At least not in a big way. I’m focussing on maybe planning a week ahead, but thats about it. And I’m focusing on one thing at a time. Focus on what I’m doing when I’m doing it.
I can sit down and play on line for a time, then it’s play time. I sit down and write, and it’s writing time. No more playing during writing time. No more stressing about diet when I should be writing. No more ..okay, so I can think about writing when exercising…but you get what I’m saying right?
Today, I have a couple of previously pubbed stories that need to be re-edited and tweaked, I’ve been telling myself I’d do this for about year now, I have the cover even, but I’ve let myself be distracted form it by doing other things…no more. This gets done today…and when it’s done, I get to watch a movie I rented from iTunes. City Of Ember. Anyone seen it before?


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