Times flying.

Times flying.

Lord, I can’t believe it’s almost the end of May! The end of MAY people!!!.

I’ve been trying to get some writing done, and while I have gotten some done, nit’s not as much as I wanted. I have a dilemma. You see, I had an original idea (or so I thought) and I found someone I respect to help me work on it. And after all my times of asking for someone to give me feedback, I found it. Only to find that too much input and feedback really messes me up.

So after a month of trying to figure out how to work with my idea, I was ready to give up. Start something new, maybe go back to my first idea in a year or so. not one to give up so easily, I gave myself a deadline-today in fact- to have something to show for this idea. And the night before I started to write agian, another idea came to me. One I like even better. One that would take me on a different path, but yet, it seemed easier than the task I’d already set myself up for. So…what to do?

Well, I’m doing both. For now.

So, yes, I’m writing again. and writing a lot. One project that requires lots of research and so much thinking my brain totally hurts and I wonder if the story will ever see the light of day, because it is truly challenging. The other an idea I can have fun with. The funny part, I’m not sure either of them will ever see thelight of day with readers.

Okay, thats not true, one of them will for sure, but I’m not sure which one, or when. When /if I have news to share about either of them, I will share here first, but for now, I’m just telling you I’m writing again. That I actually have pages written, and not just an idea. 😆


  1. Must be something in the water. I keep writing The Book I Should Not Touch Because I Doubt I’ll Sell It but it’s pure crack to me. I am working on sober, responsible work, too, though.

  2. LKap

    Glad you’re writing – and didn’t I hear you say at one time or another “Just Write”…LOL

    You know you can and will do anything you set your mind to.

    Go girl!!! Keep it up

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