Right, or wrong?

Right, or wrong?

What’s right, and what’s wrong?

I went to see The Last House On the Left yesterday. It was a hard choice to go see it because I’d heard that it was so disturbing, yet I like scary suspenseful movies. Maybe because I was so prepared, I didn’t find it that bad. Yes, it was hard to watch a girl get raped (No it didn’t show “It” but it did show her face while it was happening..) but it wasn’t that hard to watch what the parents did to the bad guys afterward. lol

Sometimes it’s easy to judge a persons actions as bad or evil. Sometimes it’s not so easy, and to me that’s what this story was about. The most disturbing thing about it is that we hear about attacks like what happened in the movie every day in the news. I think, in a way, our society has become desensitized to the point that brutal crimes like the one in this movie aren’t so shocking anymore, and I find that very sad. And that is what makes what the “good guys” did almost appealing to me.

The bad guys were bad, for sure. The three adult bad guys were Psychopaths all the way. The kid was one of those, “all evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing” types of things.

Then there’s the “good guys” the parents of one of the girls who gets attacked. They’re good people, the father is a Doctor, the mother a sweet woman. The question then becomes was what they did excessive, justified, or over the top?

If it was my daughter, mother, sister, or even my brother, who got attacked an brutalized, I would find it very hard to trust in the system in this day and age to punish the attacker. In the movie, the parents are in a different situation because they’re right there, in the middle of nowhere , with the attackers. But this sort of brings to mind the movie The Brave One, with Jodi Foster, where after she was healed, she became a vigilante. It’s hard to think what she did was wrong, when I think I’d probably do the same.

This movie makes you think, or at least it made me think, how far would I go? It also makes it clear that we all have some evil in us, which sometimes might not be a bad thing.

If what I’m saying makes no sense, go see the movie, both of them. 🙂

You can see the trailer here



  1. Laurie K

    I know I can’t see this movie – but I also know that I would do the exact same thing as what I’ve seen so far of the trailer for this.

    Like you – The Brave One to me was justifiable and I saw nothing wrong with what she did.

  2. Scarlet Y Wharton

    Like the Australian grandmother that went and shot off the testes of the two guys who raped her grandaughter. I would probably cut them off if they did it to my daughter….Yep, I would cut them off VERY slowly.

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