Good News!

Good News!

Yay! Good news seems to be coming my way today!

my prerogative I was informed that COMPLETE WOMAN magazine will be featuring MY PREROGATIVE in their May Issue. They’re going to be running a decent sized excerpt, as well as giving away 10 copies of the book! Good News for me, because I’ll hopefully be able to reach a bunch of new readers, and good news for readers because it’s a chance to win a free book. :mrgreen:

I just recieved my first review for MOST WANTED, my June Aphrodisia release. Check it out!
Lototy, from CoffeeTime Romance sums up the book like this…

The stories in this book are all unique and exciting in their own way. Each character easily holds your attention, and the plots are just as captivating. I flew through this in one sitting, and that may be my
only regret. I wanted to keep on reading! Ms. White is a fabulously talented writer, and purchasing any of her books is money well spent.

Want to know what she thinks of each story itself? Keep reading!

Most Wanted
Hidden Cravings
Lexy Signorino does not deny herself the joys of an active sex life, but she does not `do’ relationships. After losing her parents and then her first love, she has decided it is just too painful to put her
heart out there.

Family means everything to Devon Kaye, and the only reason he is knocking on Lexy’s door is to enlist her help in finding his cousin, or so he keeps telling himself.

Devon almost lost his heart to Lexy once, and he is determined not to do so again. A year ago, they could not keep their hands off of each other, and then suddenly she broke off all contact. The heat between
them burns as hot as ever, but Devon wants more. Lexy knows it is all or nothing with Devon, but is she willing to risk her heart to have this man in her life?

Lexy and Devon are arousing and arresting. They fit the bill for two of the hottest and commanding individuals, and I would love to see them break out into their own series.

Unrestricted Access
As a domina, Jillian Furst takes great pride in drawing out the most exquisite experience in pain and pleasure for her subs.

One look at Jackson Barrows, and there is no doubt that he is all male through and through. After being hurt years ago, he makes sure the inner desire he has to be controlled is very well hidden.

Jillian has had an intense attraction for her neighbor since she moved in, but his emotional barriers have kept her from pursuing that attraction. Maybe just maybe she can get him to agree to one night of no-holds-barred sex with absolutely no commitments. Jack is struck speechless when he learns of Jillian’s true nature, but the powerful urge to give in to his private desire is hard to deny.

If you have never read BDSM, this story is the perfect introduction to that genre. It is all in the perspective, and these expertly written characters truly enhance the experience.

No Angel
Since birth, Anna Blair has had the cursed ability of demons. She is now a demon hunter, but recently the tides have turned, and they have started coming for her.

To say that Gabriel Mann has an eccentric family is putting it mildly. With psychics, shape shifters, and empaths as relatives, little surprises him anymore.

Anna has never really known family or friends since the death of her mother, but seeing others enjoy the ease of such things pains her heart. She may enjoy the release and satisfaction of sex on occasion, but her
entire existence revolves around hunting demons. Gabe is somehow different from the men she normally meets, and when he takes her home to his family, she realizes why.

The characters in this story are sexy, quirky, and fun. They enliven the story with their innocence and desire to help those around them, and their need to form a bond that is much more than skin deep.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More


  1. Scarlet Y Wharton

    I’m glad I looked in when I did! Congratulations Sasha! Wat to go!
    School is grueling but satisfying an A and two B’s that I ‘m currently working on raising…. Anatomy would be a lot more interesting with a chosen male subject however! LOL 😆 🙄

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