Gypsy Style Blog Header

I’ve built myself a photoblog. It’s nothing special or massive, just a Blogger one that I set up to show off some of my photography- a way to keep myself in it, and to maybe find some like minded people and get some feedback.

If you want to check it out, it’s called GYPSY STYLE, and has a few things up already. I’m going to try to post a new photo at least three times a week. Some are older photos I’m just now scanning in (From the days when everything was film) and some will be new ones. Everyday things and people, as well as from specific photo shoots.

Right now, there are a couple of slideshows on the sidebar there, PEOPLE and PLACES, and these are made up of some of my favorite photos. I’ll continue to add to them, as well as add new slideshows. It’s a good way to see plenty of photos that aren’t posted individually.


  1. Thanks, Laurie. Nope, not me with blond hair. That was Anna, a friend of mine. SHe lives in Germany, and we met in South Africa. You’ll see her in pictures from Greece too. LOL What can I say? I named it Gypsy Style for a reason.

  2. Vanessa, Yes, there’s a photo page on my site here. And I started to put travel pics and stuff in it too, but honestly, I’m just getting so many now, and it’s easier to keep them separate. I’ll keep the photo pages here on my site for things like conference photos and writing related things. šŸ™‚

    The Black and White of the boys in the field ones are probably on there. šŸ™‚

  3. You defintiely should , DElilah! I’,m loving scanning in some of my old pictures form when I was more serious about it. I can’t believe how well they turned out. It’s cool too because they were when I used a Film SLR, and not much is done to them digitally.

    Now days, I’m always fiddling with my digital ones. I think I need to take a basics course again. LOL

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