Thanks to Amie for sending me these….

The Tips are taken from a WebMD Feature from “Health”
By Susan Hall

Supersimple calorie slashers
Top 1 cup of apple slices, instead of 8 crackers, with cheese. Save 100 calories.
Choose a fresh spring roll instead of a fried egg roll. Save 100 calories.
Eat chocolate sorbet instead of chocolate ice cream. Save 140 calories per 1/2 cup.

Skip the crust on apple pie. Save 100 calories.
Swap pepperoni on your pizza for veggies like fresh tomatoes and peppers. Save 100 calories per 2 slices.
Choose steamed shrimp over fried. Save 122 calories per 3 ounces.

Make your sandwich open-faced (use only 1 slice of bread). Save 100 calories.
Leave blue cheese off your salad. Save 110 calories per 3-tablespoon serving.
Substitute 1/2 cup steamed veggies for 1/2 cup noodles in a pasta dish. Save 100 calories.

Use a 6-inch flour tortilla instead of a 10-inch one on your next burrito. Save 120 calories.
Skip the tortilla and put your filling on lettuce. Save 100 calories.
Eat a whole-wheat English muffin at breakfast instead of a bagel. Save 150 calories.

Top pancakes with 1/4 cup apple-sauce sprinkled with cinnamon instead of syrup. Save 180 calories.
Top ice cream with 1/2 cup fresh berries instead of 2 tablespoons strawberry syrup. Save 168 calories.
Leave 10 French fries on your plate. Save 100 calories.
Split a Krispy Kreme doughnut with a friend. Save 100 calories.

No-sweat calorie burners*
*Based on a 150-pound woman

Embrace your inner schoolgirl by jumping rope for 10 minutes. Burn 100 calories.
Tend your garden for 25 minutes. Burn 103 calories.
Schedule a 20-minute walk date with a buddy. Burn 102 calories.

Crank up the tunes and shake your groove thing for 20 minutes. Burn 100 calories.
Give your partner a 22-minute massage. Burn 103 calories.
Do your nails or knit while watching your favorite hour-long TV show. Burn 102 calories.

Spend 60 minutes typing e-mails to your friends. Burn 100 calories.
Write a letter to a friend by hand for 50 minutes. Burn 100 calories.
Push around a grocery cart for 40 minutes. Burn 103 calories.

Shoot pool or play darts for 35 minutes. Burn 100 calories.
Play fetch with your dog for 35 minutes. Burn 100 calories.
Do a little house-cleaning. Burn 107 calories.
Play a 35-minute round of putt-putt golf. Burn 180 calories.


  1. You know and some of those are SO easy! *sigh*

    I haven’t GAINED weight but I haven’t lost either. So that’s my update. I did get rid of most of the halloween candy by sending it to the ex (my youngest came home with half a pillow case!)

  2. I’m not even going to talk about how badly I’ve been doing. It’s almost depressing. I think you have to care to be totally depressed about it, which I obviously don’t or I would try harder and stick to it. :cursing:

    I love your list, Amie! I’m thinking I’ll go to the grocery and shake my groove thing while pushing a cart for 40 minutes – that would knock off 303 calories! Who cares about the stares of the other shoppers . . .

  3. Le sigh. I started changing my eating habit two weeks ago. I let myself have one free day a week and I can eat anything I want on that day. My problem? I don’t eat enough. I’ve never been a breakfast eater and I’m used to doing one meal a day. So that’s what I’m working on right now. Three square meals or at least 2 meals and a protein shake. :mrgreen:

  4. It’s through a whole series of these small adjustments that really tipped the scales (well literally too) for me when I decided to get healthy again.

    The apple thing? It’s better for you, more flavorful and it has fiber. Fiber is your friend!

    And I always support an increase in dancing in your life. Dancing is wonderful for your body and soul.

  5. Some great tips there! Another one I read recently was when you feel hungry you might actually be thirsty. Try a glass of water instead of the munchies. No movement on the weight front here though πŸ™ I seem to have hit a plateau.

  6. Now I know how I lost that last 5 pounds, with Christmas just around the corner I have been a shopping diva…and I have to push a cart..stupid leg! The bad news is I’m done with the Christmas list…of course theres still the grocery store 😐 not my favorite though…I limp so I one leg is in better shape than the other..any suggestions? And please be nice one leg is a lot weaker.

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