My Prerogative

My Prerogative

Alison asked what I’ve been working on, so I’m going to share a bit of the story that has me in the writing cave right now. Here’s a small tease.

My Prerogative is Kelsey’s story. Kelsey Howard is the head Bartender at Risque nightclub. She was in the deep background of Both TROUBLE and WICKED. I’m not even sure Readers will remember her, but she stuck out in my memory, so her story will be released from Berkley Heat in September 08


There are few things more enjoyable than laying naked on a sandy beach under a hot sun. Especially when in a foreign country where no one knows me, and I’m free do whatever, and whoever, I want.

Kesley Howard, footloose and fancy free, answerable to no one. Being single and adventurous made me the envy of many, and I had to admit, there were times when even I thought my life was blessed.

Raising up a bit, my elbows dug comfortably into the sand as I tracked the approach of my companion for the day from behind dark sunglasses. Water glistened over bulging muscles that rippled with every move as he prowled up the beach. Yeah, he was definitely prowling, and I was woman enough to appreciate it.

One of the few things I enjoy in life more than laying on a beach, is lying under a well-built man. Both at once was a fantasy I was determined to have come true.

Marco was his name, and I’d met him at the hotel bar on my third night there. The all-inclusive resort we were at encouraged hedonistic behaviors and after the first couple of nights spent watching everyone let loose, I was more than ready for my own sensual adventure when he’d introduced himself.

And Marco had proven to be very adventurous himself, a wonderful choice for my holiday fling.
A familiar tingle awoke low in my belly as Marco drew closer and I spread my legs a little wider, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to avoid the temptation I presented.

Sure enough, hunger sparked in his dark eyes and he dropped to his knees at my feet. Large masculine hands cupped my bent knees and slid up my thighs, sending more tingles through my system.

“Hello there,” I said softly.

His teeth flashed in a predatory smile and he began crawling up and over my body until his mouth hovered over mine. “You look good enough to eat,” he said.

I looked to the left and saw no one, and then to the right. There was a couple about fifty yards down the beach, roasting on a blanket and minding their own business, so I lifted my arms and pulled him down lightly. “So what’s stopping you?”

He chuckled and kissed me hungrily. He tasted faintly of tequila and salt from the ocean, so I opened up for him. The nude beach we were on was part of the private resort where anything goes, so in that instant I made the decision to enjoy every second of it.

I tilted my head back, and he took the hint, nuzzling down my neck. The sound of waves rhythmically lapping at the shore became an erotic symphony as he cupped my breasts and suckled at the nipples until they stood proud and a sigh of pleasure slipped from between my lips.


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