SC Tip

SC Tip

Remember those cravings we talked about??

Break for Tea

New research shows that stopping for a spot of tea every afternoon won’t just make you feel like a British royal, it may also help you manage your weight.
Researcher Eva Kovacs, Ph.D., recently reviewed research results from all recent studies that looked at the topic of tea and weight loss, and found that tea — or green tea to be more exact — does seem to spur baseline metabolism and help reduce the storage of belly, or visceral, fat. Kovacs says more research is needed to understand why, but suspects a compound called catechins may be responsible for this very positive side effect.
On a more practical level, Kovacs points out that tea is also a zero calorie beverage option, and that drinking more of it in place of other beverages helps control your weight by cutting out excess liquid calories. And tea is loaded with good-for-you antioxidants, too. So go ahead, break for a cup of tea. Just be sure to pass on the scones and crumpets.

This tip was courtesy of via Amie Stuart, and just the type of thing you can find at sites like these:
Women’s Health Magazine
The Biggest Loser Club

One comment

  1. I drink hot green tea every day. It really does help – this summer when I put on so much more weight, I hadn’t been drinking tea. It was so frigging hot, I just couldn’t drink it.
    Now I make it a point to do it every single day. Keeping me clean and mean. :cowgirl:

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