Hump Day.

Hump Day.

I have edits fro SEXY DEVIL sitting here, and I need to get my ass in gear with some writing. I also need to get motivated into going back to the gy, (I haven’t gone yet this week). Not sure what’s going on with myself. I did get my hair cut again.

When I came back from RT in Houston, I got my hair cut short. But I didn’t like it. It wasn’t short enough, or the style was just wrong. So I went in yesterday again, and this time she not only trimmed the length, but thinned it out and styled it. So now I have a hair style. 🙂 A friend took some pics last night so when i get them I’ll post them, but it’s short, straight and very very different from my natural look. I love the change.

I’ve decided not to renew my RWA membership. Nothing major, I just find that I’m not getting anythign out of the organization, so why remain? If I go to the conference next year, I might renew, or I might just pay the extra for a non menber to attend. I’ll decide then.

What’s going on with you?


  1. I thought about the same thing – whether I got anything from RWA really and decided that I’d give it another year. I’m not going to nationals, I didn’t really enjoy it last year, but I will go to the Emerald City Writers Conference in October.

    Lots of writing from me but I can’t wait for Sexy Devil to be done and released too 🙂

  2. Cathie

    Hi Sasha! Decided to stop by to see when TROUBLE was out 🙂 And too your books with the short stories in them. Got to see if I can find so I can have some reads til August :great:

    I never joined RWA as a reader. I never went to the book signings and didn’t know if I needed membership to go to that? I won’t this year since its too far, but I know next year the RT conference is closer to me being in Pittsburgh so I hope to go to that signing.

  3. Cathie

    PS Hope the writing boosts up for you again soon. Maybe you were taken a needed rest. Can’t wait to see the pics of your haircut. I pulled mine up today, its usually not this long to my shoulders but I may wait to get it cut because I won’t be able to put it up when its hot this summer if I get it cut the way I usually wear it.

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