Thanks everyone for the wonderful emails and comments on my last post. Y’all made me feel great!

I have to say though, I had a day from hell today. LOL I’m trying to renew my passport so I can make it to the RT conference in Houston in April, andI’m having a problem. I can’t find a garantor.

I don’t know a notary public, judge or lawyer. I don’t know a postmaster, chiropractor or priest. My accountant is a bit anti-goverment, there for he doesn’t belong to any of the professional organizations needed to make him eligable. (although he is a professional Accountant.) My Dr. is no longer at th clinic I go to, and the new Dr’s I see have no been there 2 years. The pharmacist, who could sign for me refused to because, despite the fact that I’ve been filling perscriptions there for almost 6 years, she doesn’t recognize me by face…so she said no. Bank officers are no longer acceptable, and the notary public in my bank will only sign for Bank Documents. So, I drove all over the city today, trying to find a guarantor who I’ve known for 2 or more years…and found nothing.:tongue:

So it was a frustrating day.

Good thing I have some Cider in my fridge when I got home. Between your emails and comments making me float, and the cider easing the frustration of driving all over the city….I feel pretty good.:mrgreen:

Thank You!


  1. šŸ™„ you missed out Dentist, Optomitrist, veternarian, Police officer, school principle, professional engineer…do any of your pub regulars qualify? I went as far as filling out and getting a photo done and then couldn’t decide who to ask, that was over a year ago.

  2. I have no dentist. I go to the university where the students do it cheap. šŸ™‚
    My optomistrist refused to sign because it’s only been ayear since I got glasses.
    I know no teacehrs, or principles, and stangely enough, No cops here. Only in BC, which would take too long to mail application to them and get back and still get my passsport intime to make it tot he conference. lol

    I got it today though. :mrgreen:

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