


I want one. Not just because of the amazingly beatuiful pictures, but maybe I’ll learn something. Okay, I would definitely learn something cuz I’ve never attempted Shibari, but I do think it’s so beautiful. Don’t you?

Beautiful Bondage

John Grinter and Mark Varley are the creators of the book. Mark, one of them, runs quite a few Bondage sites, as well as photography ones, full of information and photo’s. I’m super impressed, he makes my research pretty simple. :mrgreen:

If you’re procrastinating..take some time to surf a bit.

Twisted Photography
Faceless Ladies (Very cool!)
Fine Art
Mark Varley’s site
MVP Gallery


  1. Shibari- is a beautiful art form of rope bondage… However it is also erotically stimulating while having it applied and of course during and the releasing of the binds.

    I have been fortunate to have been a participant for a show, in which Shibari was done, and I was suspended in air.. *awesome*

    I think it would be cool for you to learn!

    love you

    OH darn, I came by to say:

    but you got me on another subject. hehehe :great:

  2. Danette-

    That is *VERY* interesting that you say that, and forgive me Sasha, I am not trying to over ride on your blog, but her comment really struck me.. I do hope that you hubby bends and branches out!

    I find that is my main reason to be so involved with the Erotica Novels are because *women* ( i ) love to have that imagination and to be able to express that with a loved one… Perhaps get the book and shove it under his newspaper…*smiles*


  3. OH OH OH!
    I am drooling and tingling just looking at it.

    Man I love rope. The feel of the rough yet soft texture against the skin is very erotic for me then add in the restraint and the feeling of being at somone elses will, and I’m a puddle at your feet.


    I will have to check out that book.

    Danette, I totally understand how you feel. My X was not willing to bend. I hope yours is… Maybe buy a DVD’s that shows what you’re interested in… we are all(including men) very visual creatures.

    Miss you Sasha!


    WHAT SHE CRAVES, Kensington March 2007

  4. Hi Lacy!

    I get what you’re saying, while I’ve never been restrained, the bondage is a huge fantasy for me. Uhmm I’m going to a Kink Event this weekend… think I might get a sample. :angel:

  5. Well, I was just thinking to myself when Danette posted what she did, and I have spoken about this on my own blog some months ago about how hard *women* have to work in all aspects. We do so much and are bombarded with so much daily- and yet when we come to a place of stablility with a partner we want to still be able to feel *alive* and needed and wanted… I feel that women like Danette are special, because they are willing to keep that fire alive, and then there are those men that are just so closed minded they do not realize that speciality of a woman, and yet at times, wonder why relationships don’t work out- or perhaps go awry- Well *Hello, heres your sign* …Danette, I really do hope that he comes around.

  6. Thanks for the thoughts everyone. It to time to get him into spanking, I think I’m going to look into buying the Shibari book.

    I wonder if there’s any Kink Events that are out here in Hawaii,maybe me and the hubby can go to one.

  7. Ohhhh Danette! I did not know you were in Hawaii! I am a former resident! 6 years Big Island Volcano side!! kool…. You will have to order from mainland California style for majority of your Erotica. Other than that perhaps Honolulu in the alternative *gay* bookstores? There arent many that are into Erotica in Hawaii….I do know if you go online and google it, there are some persons that teach the art of tantric, they can direct you as well….. Good luck though!

    Aloha e’

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