Okay Folks. I think this will be my last post for this year. The end of the month, end of the year is coming fast, and I want to enjoy it. (plus I have a couple deadlines.*wink*)

This past year has been another amazing one for me. I’ve reached all of the goals I set, (except the weight loss one..but I had to prioritize…and meeting my deadlines came first)
2006 was the year of my first full length novel being publishd. (BOUND) My first Book Signing. I also had an absolute blast at RWA in Altanta, meeting online friends for the first time in person.

The learning curve in 2006 has been about more than writing too. I’ve learned a lot about myself. My wants, needs and desires. I’ve set a couple of private goals for those in 2007 too. I might even share some of the naughty details with you – as well as the nice of course. *grin*

I’m going to start playing with photography more in 2007 as well. In the past, when I thought about photography, it was more scenic in my mind. Like my Travel photos, but now, I’m going to try and work with people. Erotic photography. I have a male friend who has agreed to pose for me, and I’m thinking it won’t be too hard to find others.

I’ve given notice at my bartending job. I’ll still be on the payroll, and have agreed to be “on call” for when they need a filler. Plus I still waitress a couple of lunch shifts at a differnt place, but… I’m planningon really getting in touch with my creative self. Focussing more on writing, and photography. So…it might be a bit of a wild ride. 🙂

I might have a new website desing to unviel for the new year. My amazing websmistress Frauke of Croco Designs is hard at work. I know, I know, the design you see now is only 7 months or so old…but, the urge was there, and Frauke is such a goddess, I hit her at the right time, and put her to work. The new site is absolutely stunning so far, and a bit different than what you are used to from me, but I do believe it’s time for a change. ANd I plan to keep the new site design for a couple of years.

It’s become clear to me that I’ve been blessed. I’m not sure what I did in a past life, but my family is amazing, and I’ve found some wonderful friends. True friends who are always there for me when I need them, to listen to me rant, whine or shout for joy. Friends that know, in thier hearts, that I’m there for them too – even if we don’t chat constantly.

This past year has really brought this home to me..and I thank all of you, for being part of it.

Hugs for you all …. and I’ll see in 2007!


  1. Sasha,

    Ho courageous and strong for you to do the things that will bring you joy! I wish for that kind of strength…
    Hated that I did not know of you when you were here in Atlanta….*cripes* would have loved to have met you and Saskia… At any rate- perhaps I will be able to attend a group thingy when I do some travelling next summer!

    Until then…
    “Go YOU”

    callie :great:

  2. Callie! Wonderful to see you visiting again. 🙂 I went over to your blog and saw you enjoyed Saskia’s DOUBLE DARE. Yummy wasn’t it? As fro Atlanta. I’ll be in Houston in April, and I THINK Saskia will be in Dallas in July. (Not sure though) So you never know.

    HI Raine! Thanks for the best wishes, You knwo they are returned. :great:

    Thanks Kris! I hope you Enjoy the end of 2006 as well!

  3. JANET

    :great:happy new year. hope that 2007 is as wonderful for u as 2006 was. i know i am greatfull that i got bound because then i would not have met you and the other great authors i’ve met.glad to have met you. :great:your a wonderfull person n amazin writer. :great:

  4. Hey Sasha,

    Big congrats on meeting all those goals! What a thrill for you, and so wonderful to read someone who is grateful for all their blessings after being home with all my ungrateful kids, lol.

    Hugs and happy new year,

    Anna J. Evans

  5. Debbie E

    Woohoo!! Sasha! You are just beginning this great writing career and already you are AWESOME!!!

    I an a devoted fan and will continue to be. I am so very proud of you and as you know I do live my life vicariously through you and am having a blast!

    I’m surprised you let go your bartending job but it is still there – so not totally gone. More time to write!! YEAH!!!!

    All the best in 2007 with records being broken often. I already know it will happen. There is no doubt!

    Hugs to you Sasha!
    :love: :great:

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