What do you think?

What do you think?

The Stanely Cup playoffs are over. There’s going to be a rally downtown this afternoon forthe OILERS. Even though they didn;t win the cup, they did a fanatstic thing and the city loves them. I had an absolute blast with Beth and my online group betting on the games. (Beth lives in NC) but one thing sort of hit home withme during that time. I preferred to watch the games at home instead of at the pub.

I have a lot of friends that are completely into the games. We usually go to them a couple of times a year, the only time I see these particular frined sother than the occasional lunch as we don’t work together anymore. But they are friends for life, no matter how little or often I see them. It surprised me that I preffered to stay home and watch the games by myself instead of joining the group at the pub.

And it brought home how often I’ve chosen to stay home instead of be social. And it’s so unlike me. I used to love to be social!

So, am I just getting older? Is it becasue I write and like to live in my own head? Or am I just too lazy, or in a rut? I’ve been thinking about it..and I think it’s a combination of it all. I’m being more active, I’m losing wieght, I feel better, but I’m still not the normal me… and I think it’s because I’m just bored.

SO, I’m thinking about trying the online dating thing again. 🙄

If you read my blog on a regular basis you know that there are times when I love my life as a single, and times when I get lonely. This isn’t really one of those lonely times, but summer is here, and I need a change. I need to get out of my rut. I coudl call up some friends and make more of an effort to hang out with them, but really, the idea isn’t as appealing as it should be.

I love to flirt, and with the weather heating up…I’m loving the sight of hot guys walking around shirtless so I’ve decided I want one. And not one of the young hot studs I drool over, but a man. A real man. Someone who will hopefully make me drool…but also one to cuddle up on the sofa with. Someone who isn’t just interested in getting laid, (but he does have to love sex…cuz come on… sexual compatibility is super important) Strangely, one of the other things I want is someone to cook for. I know I know… independant woman here….but I love cooking, and really, it sucks to cook for one. I stick with the same thing all the time. Another thing I’ve been told by friends that is weird about me is that I actually want a man that works out of town. 😳

I think having the weeek to myself and then someone to share the weekends with. Eat, go to movies, play pool whatever, then say goodbye to on Sunday night or Monday morning ….is perfect. I mean, I get to keep my freedom and my own time and space, yet some regular loving. Perfect I tell you.

Anyway, so I’m wondering if any of you have any suggestions on good singles sites? Or any experience? Or know any single men youthink might be a match? 😉


  1. A mate only on the weekends? Yeah, that’d be great. Where do I sign up? LOL!
    Sorry, chica, I don’t know any good online dating sites and the single men I know are a little far for you to date. Ya know, like 3000 miles?
    I don’t think you’re weird at all – you’re changing, as we all do. I know I’ve changed in the last three years myself.
    I say go for it! :attack:

  2. Hmm, singles sites and online dating…

    Date #1: totally misrepresented himself, so when we met face to face, boy did I get a shock

    Date #2: the best email buddy a girl could want, until he upped and took a holiday and met Ms Right 👿

    Date #3: um, talked over the top of me during lunch, gave me advice on how to do my own job (unwarranted advice, I add), and then ordered for me without asking what I’d like…:fight:

    Date #4: I’ll tell you tomorrow, we’re meeting tonight 😈

  3. julio

    Sometimes I just think and think and think and it left me thinking(lol). How is the male to female ratio on the site that im using? So, after thinking a lot, I did some Sherlock Homes work on Wealthymen. What do you know 51% are female and 49% are male users. atleast its good to know that there are a little more chicks on the site then guys. Check it out

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