Game Face

Game Face

Okay, I’m kicking apthy and lethargy’s butts to the curb!!

I’ve decided that if I don’t care about whats going on in my life, who will? So, I’m stealing from Beth, and putting on my Game Face. :twisted:.
I’m going to write every day!
And do something nice for myself Every Day.
And, I’m going to stop staying inside my apartment for four and fiuve days in a row . . . even when I’m on a deadline.

I have a Neo, I can take it tot he library or restaurant and sit in a corner and write…but at least it’ll get me out of the house. I’ll feel human insteead of hermit.

Yesterday I tried to go get a haircut and make myself feel pretty, but Saturday was a bad day to try and do that without an appointment. I hate to make appointments for anything. The only time I let the clock run my life even a little bit is when I’m at work. I like to make sure I get “Last Call” done on time so I can get out of there. πŸ˜‰

And, On Tuesday nights when Supernatural is on, cuz I LOVE LOVE LOVE that show. πŸ™‚

This really isn’t the best time for me to feel like doing everything in life as well as writeing, since I have three deadline in the next two months, and uuhmmm I”m a bit behind. But those that know me know I ussually do well under pressure. SOME pressure.

So, in an effort to prevent that from happening, after brunch with a friend today, I’m going to write write write so I don’t go crazy from self pressure next month!

Have a great Sunday afternoon… and check out the link to Supernatural. I love Jensen Ackles. He’s a Hottie.


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