Apathy?  Moodiness?

Apathy? Moodiness?

I’m in a wierd mood. I’m not in a funk, I feel pretty good generally speaking. But I do feel I’m struggling to care abotuthings. Very strange. But I don’t care about getting in shape, I don’t care about how clean my house is, I don’t care about being single, and I don’t really care right now about much. Sadly, I’m even struggling to get motivated to write.

I want to be motivated, but it’s not happening. I’m in a rut!

I think it might be the time of year. I also think it’s cuz I haven’t been a real holiday in way too long. I’d love to go somwhere warm for a week. But where to go? I mean it is almost March. maybe I shoudl look into Mexico? I’ve been ther before, but that’s ok. All I really want is a beach. If it was later inthe year I’d go to Vegas. LOL I don’t gamble much, but I love to lay by the pool and drink and flirt with the bartenders. 😎

Any other ideas?


  1. OMG Sasha! I’m having the same problem – well, except for the writing bit.

    See, all I wanna do is write, but the day job is getting in the way.

    And my motivation for teaching is sorely lacking. Along with cleaning and going to the gym. Not even my hunky flirty trainer can seem to get me going. *g*

    Don’t blame the weather. It’s summer down here in Oz.

  2. Jordan~ I agree. I’m gonna go with That time of year…and it won’t last. πŸ˜€

    Laura!! Too funny about the trainer, but that’s exactly it!!

    Raine, Come join me!! πŸ˜€

    Saskia, I can;t really afford the time right now. But In May I think I will. πŸ™‚

  3. Well, it’s bitter cold and rainy here in the UK, but you should come over and have a wild, crazy ‘girls just want to have fun’ weekend with Saskia and me! All the hot , saucy talk would more than make up for the weather! :mrgreen:

    Love, Wendy

  4. SD

    I’m in a funk too, my fair lady. It must be the time of year, hmm…

    ANd you could always come hang out with me at one of the many beaches here in sunny South Florida. I’ll buy you a Midori Sour πŸ˜‰

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