

Your Wednesday Horoscope Sasha!
This is the best day of the year to break a bad habit, cold turkey. Be it sweets, smoking or a codependent relationship. Great willpower is in your corner for a new level of self-discipline.

UH huh. I wonder if this is a sign because I bought a pack of ready to bake chocolate chip cookies yesterday. Then I baked them, and ate them …almost all of them. I threw one in the garbage, and ate three for breakfast today. Before I read the horoscope. :laugh:

I am trying to change my eating habits, I’ve gone two weeks with no pop! Well Ok, so I had two glasses at work last Friday, and on Monday pms hit and I had run out for some. But I bought a bottle not a case like I normally. do. So I’m doing pretty good I think.

What abotu you? ANy habits your thinking of giving up?


  1. Sasha

    Raine. Not your fault. The freakn servder my site is on is acting up…and when you posted it got stuck in the line up. Sorta like the 14 emails I just got that were sent yesterday. :plain:

  2. Eve

    I’ll quit smoking when Raine does – can we have champagne everyday? Actually, the doctor told me not to quit smoking! Can you believe it! Seems that with all of the stress that I’m under with mom when I tried to quit I kept having massive asthma attacks (oddly, smoking doesn’t trigger my asthma). Seems the cigarettes were keeping my stress level down. He said quit when I’m done with mom. Whoopee!!!! I do need to watch the food intake though – so after the holidays I’m going to try to work on cutting down the junk food intake.

  3. Sasha I quit cokes for 2 1/2 months and lost 25 lbs. I allowed myself 1 a week, whether it was at a restaraunt or in a 20 oz bottle. Now I must break myself of starting a new story just cause it jumps into my head without finishing the one I have vowed to finish first. :crazy:

  4. Sasha

    Eve~ Good Luck!! It’s hard. BUt it’s worth it. 🙂

    Paula. ~ I never lose wieght from quitting pop. (I go thorugh this every couple of years LOL then it sneaks back inot my life) But it does help me eat right. Something in the pop makes me crave other junk foods. When I’m not drinking pop, I don’t crave chips or munchies anymore either., and my energy gets better.

    Good luck with the story habit. It’s like the rest…force yourself. 🙂

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