Packing away for the winter…

Packing away for the winter…

It’s the first Saturday of the month! Ta-da! Beth is back. :O
What is it about fall? It makes you crave all those yummy comfort foods like… macaroni and cheese, apple pie, homemade bread, pumpkin pie, warm cookies. Okay, is everybody hungry yet? I am! I think I’m going to make brownies this afternoon. Maybe have brownie sundaes later after roast beef for dinner.
Now I know everybody’s hungry. :laugh: I can’t help it. The weather turns a bit cooler – okay 79 is cool for North Carolina – and those prehistoric urges kick in. Winter coming. ugh. Eat food. ugh. Eat lots of food. ugh-ugh.
Everyone wears bulkier clothes which hide those extra pounds and there is so much baking going on you can’t help yourself! I am so in the mood for french apple pie with vanilla ice cream on top. OMG. I’d better stop before I start gnawing on my laptop. :crazy:
THe other thing that goes along with fall – leaves. I can’t tell you how many pounds of leaves I’ve raked in my life. Probably enough to fill a tractor trailer or a dozen of ’em. I am looking forward to leaves this fall though – why do you ask? I’ll tell you why… the only trees in my yard are four feet high and have about 12 leaves on them each. 😎 The woods are at the back of my property so only a few leaves should fall and we’ll hope the wind blows them back into the briar patch.
Anyhoo, just thought I’d share my thoughts on eating, food, leaves, and did I mention eating? :hehe:
What’s your favorite comfort food for cold weather?


  1. Sooop, soooop beyoootiful soooooop! I’ve got a squash and sweet potato soup with cranberry coulis planned for this week, as well as a Cock-A-Leekie soup. I am one soup-making mama in the fall and winter!

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