Hermit Mode

Hermit Mode

Full on hermit mode was achieved. At 3 a.m on Wednesday I turned my phone on for the first time in almost 5 days. I did check my emails in that time, but I skimmed over any from people that weren’t writing related. (ie: agent, editor, cp)

Wednesday day, I worked a lunch shift at the restaurant and all I could think was . . . “I could be writing.” Then, when the shift was over,not being used to working during the daylight hours, I crashed for a couple of hours. I got up, watched a bit of T.V (Rock Star INXS, Sex In The City), went to the corner store for Diet Coke and Twinkies..and parked my butt back in front of the computer.

You see, Yesterday I finally figured out why I was stuck re-writing the first 25 pages of my novella over and over. I knew something was off about it, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Some straight-up words from a friend, and this blog post that seemed to be written just for me, made me see that I had to go for it.

What had been wrong? I’d been pussyfooting around my character. I’d let rumors and assumptions about what the new Kensington Erotica line will be like get me stuck not being true to the charater. Now, it finally hit me that I sold to them because they liked my voice, and my style. So, the gloves are off. Lexy Signorina is coming to the page full on, and if the editor thinks that she’ll be a bit much for the readers, I’ll tone it down later. But for now…she’d going hard…and I’m just along for the ride. 😎

BUT! Out of curiosity…how do you all feel about characters that are obviously a bit raw, a bit bad, and maybe a bit morally corrupt? :hehe:


  1. Sasha, I think you’re doing precisely what you should be. I don’t know who your editor is, but a friend of mine sold to the new erotic line at Kensington and her characters are very raw and in your face.

    I agree, write them as you see them. If you have to revise later then so be it 😉

  2. Sasha

    Thanks guys! :blush:

    I’m almost done with my last going over of the first 1/4…then I can move on.

    I just need to make sure I have the tone, and Lexy, solid in my mind before I get us both into more trouble. 😉

  3. Goody two-shoes are boring. My hero right now in the historical I’m working on is a mob boss, murderer, all around bad guy (but hot, of course) and feels no repentance for his behavior. And never will.

  4. Sasha

    Uhmm, did I make it clear that it’s the heroine that’s morally corrupt?

    Well, I guess Gabriel knew. Then again, I think he has an instinct for that sort of thing. 😛

  5. Glad you figured out they wanted you, Sasha, and not what you think *they* will like. 🙂

    And YAY! Somebody else watches Rock Star too! I hear there are at least two or three of us out here. ;-P

  6. Eve

    I’m with the others – if they wanted something different they would have signed someone different! As for the character question – I don’t know, it really depends on the story … I know, gee Eve, THAT really helps. :confused:

  7. You know what I think, sweets. Lexy’s edgy, she’s hard, and she’s a fabulous character.
    It’s who you are that counts, and your voice we should hear.
    There’s power in your words, darlin’. Let it out.

  8. jaq

    I love raw, edgy, morally ambigious characters. They’re so much more interesting and complex. What true to your voice and your characters hon. That’s why you were contracted. 😎

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